Fascist aggression in the murder area of Pavlos Fyssas & immediate antifascist reaction (en/es/gr)


Shortly before noon on Saturday January 25th, 2014 a group of 80 neo-Nazis arrived at the scene of the murder of antifascist hip-hop artist Pavlos Fyssas (murdered by a neo-Nazi assault battalion on September 18, 2013). Paramilitary styled neo-nazis proceeded to a series of attacks in the custody and “discreet” surveillance of the police, who limited themselves to watching, even while desecrating the monument of Pavlos Fyssas, and while attacking a nearby anarchist squat (Resalto) by throwing stones and bricks.

The humanoids painted several Nazi fascist slogans, took the anti-fascist banner hung on the murder scene, destroyed the small memorial tribute to murdered Pavlos Fyssas, and then proceeded to an attack against the Anarchist Resalto, located within walking distance of that place. Fifteen comrades were inside at that time trying to repel the fascists while a few more run from the neighborhood to assist.  The fascists retreated running leaving behind them traces of their nasty presence.

During this new provocative fascist aggression they were dressed in military-type outfits marched with the famous Nazi goose step, carrying shields, helmets and metal clubs, shouting slogans and provoking, insulting and threatening many of the local residents. And all this in the presence of the police. (It is not the first time that the Nazis are backed by police protection during their attacks and other operations). The relationship between the fascist gangs of Golden Dawn (Chrisi Avgi) and the Greek Police is very well documented with hundreds of photos, documents, videos, witness testimonies in court, etc…

Nearly two hours after this fascist provocation local squat Anarchist Resalto called a rally and march through the streets of Keratsini (a working class neighborhood near the port of Piraeus). Indeed, about 14:00 pm about 400 people began marching through the streets of the neighborhood, joining a previously planned anti-fascist demonstration by KEERFA (an extra-parliamentary Marxist anti-racism group). Slogans painted by neo-Nazis were erased, slogans against fascism were painted, and while going by the murder scene of Pavlos Fyssas a new antifascist banner replace the one just torn by neo-nazis.

At 18:00 pm of the same day (Saturday, January 25th, 2014) a meeting was held in central Athens in order to discuss the events that took place by and against the fascists and what their continuous provocations means, as well as planning the next phase of anti-Fascist action.

More photos of the anti-fascist demonstration: 1, 2.


