JAN 27 DEMO: In solidarity Against FASCISM – Birmingham-uk


Only last weekend, the University of Birmingham was vandalised with a bombardment of hate speech and offensive symbolism, graffitied over walls on central campus. Swastika’s were drawn in various locations whilst the words ‘Islam Must Die’ was plastered for all to see. The University, after having the graffiti brought to its attention by the Guild, had it removed. Yet, unjustly has remained almost silent on the implications that this has on not only students, but also the wider community. Other than issuing a few words with regards to this horrific incident, their negligence and silence on key issues arising from this has only turned this catastrophe into a PR stunt, upon which we should no longer remain silent.

This incident comes with the rise of Islamophobia, and the spread of anti-Semitic views, which is inherently the justification of racism. In the backdrop of hate crime against BME people, with racist stereotypes of the Muslim community, and more, we are seeing the growth of the Far-right ideology as just another threat against people of colour, faith and diverse backgrounds. The silence of the university over issues like these and others, such as the recent ‘Counter-terror’ bill being fast-tracked through parliament, essentially makes it law for institutions like nurseries all the way to universities to spy on and monitor their students. This brings with it a wave of severe consequences of racial profiling and islamophobia, highlighting complicity in institutionalising racism and discrimination.

On Tuesday 27th January we will be gathering outside the library at 1pm to voice our concerns. We ask all BME students, students of faith, students being marginalised and allies to come together on this day. It is an issue that we should actively condemn, with one voice, standing together in solidarity. We all have the right to live together in society, without fearing for our lives, merely because of the beliefs we hold, or because of who we are.

Up until then we will be painting and preparing so feel free to get in touch.

And share the event! Use #NoToFascism on twitter! Let everyone know!
In Solidarity.