Tag Archives: 1933

Schiere Nere e altri anarchici tedeschi contro Hitler


La Resistenza anarchica in Germania è poco nota. Da qualche anno grazie ai lavori di alcuni studiosi anche italiani ne sappiamo di più.

Anarres ne ha parlato con David Bernardini, autore di un libro su Rocker e di un altro libro sulle Schiere Nere.

Ascolta l’intervista con David:

Di seguito un articolo che ha scritto per Anarres

La storia della resistenza anarchica tedesca non è molto conosciuta. Cercherò quindi di fornire molto schematicamente un minimo di orientamento all’interno di un argomento così poco trattato.
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Riflessioni sulla guerra

Calvario Oslavia Sabotino 025

Simone Weil
La situazione attuale, e lo stato d’animo che suscita, rimettono una volta di più all’ordine del giorno il problema della guerra. Oggi noi viviamo nella perenne attesa di una guerra; il pericolo è forse immaginario, ma la sensazione di pericolo esiste, e ne costituisce un fattore non trascurabile. Ebbene, l’unica reazione che sia dato constatare è il panico, non tanto il panico del coraggio di fronte alla minaccia di una carneficina, quanto il panico degli animi di fronte ai problemi che pone tale minaccia. Ed è proprio nel movimento operaio che si avverte di più lo smarrimento. Il rischio, se non ci impegniamo in un serio tentativo di analisi, è che un giorno o l’altro la guerra ci sorprenda incapaci non solo di agire, ma perfino di giudicare. Per prima cosa bisogna fare un bilancio delle tradizioni sulle quali abbiamo finora vissuto più o meno coscientemente.

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1929-1936, Australia: Lock Out The Landlords!

eviction crowd

(Woolloomooloo anti eviction rally, Sydney early 1930s)

The economic depression of the 1930s saw thousands of Australians thrown out of their homes and into the streets. These actions however did not go unopposed. Across Australia pickets, occupations and protests were organised to disrupt and prevent evictions and auctions. Where these failed some took matters into their own hands wrecking the properties of landlords and real estate agents in revenge. This pamphlet, originally written in 1998 and updated ten years later, chronicles just some of the many struggles that took place. It includes a chronology of actions as well as photos and quotes from those involved providing an insight into the events of the time. It can be downloaded here.


El Derecho al Ocio y a la Expropiación Individual


Severino di Giovanni


Tú haces un trabajo que te gusta, que tienes una ocupación independiente y a quien el yugo del patrón no molesta mayormente; tú también que te sometes resignado o cobarde en tu calidad de explotado: ¿cómo te atreves a condenar así, tan severamente, a aquellos que ha pasado al plano de ataque en contra del enemigo? Una sola cosa te queremos decir: «¡Silencio!», por honestidad, por dignidad, por fiereza. —¿No sientes el sufrimiento de ellos? ¡Cállate!— ¿No tienes la audacia de ellos? Entonces, otra vez ¡cállate! Cállate, porque tú no sabes las torturas de un trabajo y de una explotación que se odian. Desde hace mucho tiempo se viene reclamando el derecho al trabajo, el derecho al pan, y, francamente, en el trabajo nos estamos embruteciendo. No somos más que lobos en busca de trabajo, —de un trabajo duradero, fijo— y a la conquista de él se encaminan todos nuestros afanes. Estamos a la pesca continua, obsesionante del trabajo. Esta preocupación, esta obsesión nos oprime, no nos abandona nunca. Y no es que se ame al trabajo. Al contrario, lo odiamos, lo maldecimos: lo cual no impide que lo suframos y lo persigamos por todas partes. Y mientras imprecamos en su contra, lo maldecimos también porque se nos va, porque es inconstante, porque nos abandona — después de un breve tiempo: seis meses, un mes una semana un solo día. Y he aquí que transpuesta la semana, pasado el día, la búsqueda empieza de nuevo con toda la humillación que ella entraña para nuestra dignidad de hombres; con el escarnio que implica a nuestras hambres: con la befa moral nuestro orgullo de individuos conscientes de este ultraje, relajándonos y pisoteando nuestros derechos rebeldes, de anarquistas.

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Sur le livre de Lénine « Matérialisme et empiriocriticisme »


Par Simone Weil (1933)

Cet ouvrage, le seul qu’ait publié Lénine sur des questions de pure philosophie, est dirigé contre Mach et contre les disciples, avoués ou non, qu’il avait en 1908 dans les rangs de la social-démocratie, et surtout de la social-démocratie russe ; le plus connu était Bogdanov. Lénine y examine en détail les doctrines de ses adversaires, doctrines qui tentaient toutes, avec plus ou moins de raffinements, de résoudre le problème de la connaissance en supprimant la notion d’un objet extérieur à la pensée ; il montre qu’elles se ramènent au fond, une fois dépouillées de leur phraséologie prétentieuse, à l’idéalisme de Berkeley, c’est-à-dire a la négation du monde extérieur ; il leur oppose le matérialisme de Marx et d’Engels. Dans cette polémique, qui l’écartait de ses préoccupations habituelles, Lénine a manifesté une fois de plus sa puissance de travail,
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Michael Schirru

The Blockwerk in Siemensstadt after an air raid, 1944

Max Sartin


M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.

Meanwhile, the police discovered that, in addition to the one in which he had been arrested, he was also renting another hotel room where two bombs loaded with powerful explosive were found and which, Schirru readily admitted, belonged to him. As soon as he was able to speak he declared that he had come to Rome purposely to kill Mussolini, and that the bombs were meant for this use. When his sudden arrest came to thwart his plan and deprive him of the liberty to execute it, he resolved to exact as great as possible a price for his life and liberty then ending his own life together with that of the police tools of Mussolini who were arresting him.

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Michael Schirru



Max Sartin


M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.

Continue reading Michael Schirru



“El Derecho al Ocio y a la Expropiación Individual” de Severino Di Giovanni

En 1933 los sectores anarquistas revolucionarios de Montevideo publicaban, a través de la revista “Afirmación” (1), un potente texto de un compañero que firmaba como Briand. El escrito ( titulado “El derecho al ocio y a la expopiación individual” ) reivindicaba la expropiación como un medio legítimo de lucha de la clase obrera. El original había sido escrito en italiano y publicado en Nueva York por la revista “L’Aldunata dei Refrattari”, una de las revistas anarquistas insurreccionales más importantes de aquel entonces, que difundía algunas de las posiciones más claras y combativas del proletariado.