Tag Archives: Art

Surrealism in the Arab World


Various Authors



The current resurgence of surrealism in the Arab world is a revolutionary development of the greatest significance, demonstrating once more that the strategy of the unfettered imagination is always and necessarily global.

We publish here in English translation a manifesto in which our Arab comrades express their unequivocal interventionist orientation, sharply defined against their specific political and cultural background.

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Marius Mason, the Beehive Design Collective, and Many Others Have Donated Their Art in Support of Radical Environmental Media. Bidding Ends Tomorrow!


The 2015 Earth First! Journal Art Auction ends tomorrow at midnight. This year’s fundraiser includes patches, photos, digital prints and more from radical grassroots activists around the country.

Some featured items:

“No Penokee Mine” by Susan Simensky.
Continue reading Marius Mason, the Beehive Design Collective, and Many Others Have Donated Their Art in Support of Radical Environmental Media. Bidding Ends Tomorrow!

Global Mail – Issue 10 – Jan/April `95 – (Fanzine,Bullettin,Global Networking,Usa,Mail Art-1995)


A very big and complex bulletin of mail art,fanzines,graphiks and  more underground press details and  articles,passing from tape-compilations reviews and announcements,rubber stamps trades,penpals,poetry entries,politics,art projects,anarchist support,archives and books.

A very comprehensive guide of the underground press movements and it is  a good resource fanzine to research the mail art and similar matters of the 90s.

click me
Continue reading Global Mail – Issue 10 – Jan/April `95 – (Fanzine,Bullettin,Global Networking,Usa,Mail Art-1995)

NAFTALINA. (numero primo, ottobre 2008)


Naftalina non è una rivista d’arte, bensì, parte di una idea in continuo movimento.

Numero primo
L’assiette au beurre (1901-1912)

La più feroce e irriverente rivista della Belle Epoque.
L’assiette au Buerre, letteralmente “piatto di burro”, compare in Francia nell’aprile 1901.
Senza alcun dubbio occupa un posto di primissimo piano fra le riviste dell’epoca.
Innovativa da un punto di vista grafico, spregiudicata per il suo contenuto.
Attraverso bellissimi disegni e una satira devastante, ha ridicolizzato e attaccato l’ipocrisia del periodo.
Con questo primo numero di Naftalina, abbiamo cercato di riproporre un progetto editoriale ed artistico a nostro avviso molto interessante. Non volevamo riesumare cadaveri, ma rispolverare qualcosa che altrimenti sarebbe andato perduto, utilizzato la documentazione in nostro possesso.

Scarica l’archivio delle immagini