Tag Archives: Art

Interview with IRL, anti-tech graffiti artist


I’d been seeing anti-tech graffiti around my town for the better part of a decade. Over the course of months it would appear in bursts, then slowly fade as the authorities cleaned it. Some places, images, or slogans only seemed to appear once, while others were clearly contested territories where cleaning and painting happened regularly. For years I wondered who the vigilantes that made my walks and bike rides so much more exciting could be. In a funny synchronicity, I finally met “IRL” through a mutual friend the same week another friend of mine started an anti-technology journal. We wandered for an hour all over town, behind warehouses, down train tracks, and beneath bridges discussing this very particular subset of graffiti. Some edits have been made for clarity. — Renzo
Continue reading Interview with IRL, anti-tech graffiti artist

Manifesto of Surrealism


André Breton

Preface for a Reprint of the Manifesto (1929)

It was to be expected that this book would change, and to the extent that it questioned our terrestrial existence by charging it nonetheless with everything that it comprises on this or that side of the limits we are in the habit of assigning to it, that its fate would be closely bound up with my own, which is, for example, to have written and not to have written books.
Continue reading Manifesto of Surrealism

Samedi 24 Mai: vernissage SMOD à la Luttine


Silver Mullet Of Death est le pseudo d’Arnaud. Sérigraphe, dessinateur et organisateur de tournées et concerts punk, il commence à organiser des concerts au début des années 90 dans le Nord/Pas de Calais, où il crée ses affiches à base de collages et de dessins pourris, le tout en photocopies. En voyageant notamment aux USA et dans certains squats suisses, il découvre que certains punks locaux sérigraphient leurs affiches en plusieurs couleurs et grand format, à la main, dans leur garage ou leur cuisine.




Welcome to the Never Alone Online Exhibition website – for the June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and all Eco-prisoners.


If you would like to be involved in the 2014 exhibition please [get in touch]. This year the Earth First! Prisoner Support Project is organizing the exhibition as a collective. All funds raised will go to the support funds of political prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid.
Continue reading Welcome to the Never Alone Online Exhibition website – for the June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and all Eco-prisoners.

Escapism has its price The artist has his income




« – He’s already two hours late.
– Ah, but you know he’s an artist, and artists…
– Oh that, the artists…
– That’s the way they are, these artists.


It’s difficult not to soften and melt under the charm of artists and to not envy
them in a society founded on forbiddance and the threat of jail. Certain manners of
behaviour which no one else can get away with are permitted to the artist.
Continue reading Escapism has its price The artist has his income

NAFTALINA – Der Bleu Reiter


Naftalina non è una rivista d’arte, bensì, parte di una idea in continuo movimento.

Numero primo
L’assiette au beurre (1901-1912)

La più feroce e irriverente rivista della Belle Epoque.
L’assiette au Buerre, letteralmente “piatto di burro”, compare in Francia nell’aprile 1901.
Senza alcun dubbio occupa un posto di primissimo piano fra le riviste dell’epoca.
Innovativa da un punto di vista grafico, spregiudicata per il suo contenuto.
Attraverso bellissimi disegni e una satira devastante, ha ridicolizzato e attaccato l’ipocrisia del periodo.
Con questo primo numero di Naftalina, abbiamo cercato di riproporre un progetto editoriale ed artistico a nostro avviso molto interessante. Non volevamo riesumare cadaveri, ma rispolverare qualcosa che altrimenti sarebbe andato perduto, utilizzato la documentazione in nostro possesso.

Scarica l’archivio delle immagini

MailArt_morire di tortura @ Underground (Bergamo) 21/22 marzo 2014


Che sia stato un semplice fermo di strada, o durante una detenzione, un interrogatorio, l’applicazione di un TSO, DI TORTURA SI MUORE.

Venerdì 21 ore 19 aperitivo di primavera e inaugurazione della mostra di arte postale “Morire di tortura“;

Sabato 22 ore 19 cena benefit per Underground Spazio Anarchico, a seguire proiezione del film: “Frida“;

Domenica 23 ore 18 aperitivo e proiezione del documentario sulla vivisezione: “Maximum tolerated dose“;
