Tag Archives: “Bande à Bonnot

Absolución Javier


Desde el Grupo Antirrepresivo de la Asamblea Popular de Lavapiés os informamos de que ya tiene juicio. Por eso os llamamos para el jueves 26 de mayo en los Juzgados de lo Penal de la C/ Julián Camarillo para apoyar a nuestro compañero antes y después del juicio. El fiscal y la acusación particular le acusan de atentado a la autoridad, y le piden 2 años de cárcel y 7.500 euros en concepto de responsabilidad civil por las lesiones que supuestamente se causó un policía nacional mientras le agredía a él y a otros manifestantes.
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Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016


When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.
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Antifa-Block auf der LL-Demo 2016: Solidarisch kämpfen


Solidarisch kämpfen: Antifaschistisch. Antirassistisch. Internationalistisch. Antikapitalistisch. Vor fast 97 Jahren, am 15. Januar 1919, wurden die beiden Revolutionär*innen Karl Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg von faschistischen Freikorps ermordet. Mit der alljährlichen Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Gedenkdemonstration und dem antifaschistischen Block geben wir eine Kampfansage und verknüpfen Gedenkpolitik mit praktischen Kämpfen: gegen rassistische Hetze, geistige und reale Brandstiftung, faschistische und imperialistische Bedrohungen – für eine solidarische Gesellschaft jenseits von Staat, Nation und Kapitalismus.
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Forming the National Front of Australia: ASIO and the fledgling far right group


On Saturday June 2, 1978, a group of nine people gathered in a room of the Southern Cross Hotel in the Melbourne CBD to launch the National Front of Australia (NFA). According to the ASIO informant, nine people attended the meeting, including several well-known far right activists, a 16 year old schoolboy and an undercover reporter for the newspaper The Age. Seven out of the nine listed were already known to the authorities in some regard. The meeting was led by a 23 year old law student and army reservist, Rosemary Sisson, who had travelled to the UK in 1977 to seek permission from the National Front’s John Tyndall to establish an NF in Australia. According to ASIO, Tyndall had appointed Sisson to be Chairwoman of the NFA until a directing body was created. In a report on Sisson by the Victorian Police’s Special Branch, Sisson was described in these terms:
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Aggressione fascista a Barletta



Nella tarda mattinata di oggi, a margine di un corteo studentesco che ha visto in piazza diversi studenti medi di Barletta si è verificato un grave episodio di squadrismo. Un ragazzo di 16 anni è stato aggredito e picchiato da alcuni militanti di estrema destra, tra cui anche alcuni maggiorenni, riconducibili all’area di Casapound e Blocco Studentesco. Non sappiamo ancora molto della dinamica dell’aggressione ma alcune certezze, date da testimonianze, ci dicono che come da tradizione, i fascisti hanno assalito la vittima in gruppo facendo anche uso di cinghie. Il tutto è avvenuto lontano dal contesto del corteo, quando lo stesso si era già concluso.
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