Tag Archives: Bulgaria

Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman target in far-right smear campaign (Bulgaria)


Antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman is currently a target for far-right smear campaign after he had been nominated to a “Human of the Year 2015” award by the human rights NGO Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. His nomination said as follows:
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Bulgaria: la polizia spara sui migranti. Un morto


Un altro morto sulla via per entrare nell’Unione Europea. Questa volta direttamente per mano della polizia, che ha sparato uccidendo.

È successo in Bulgaria vicino al confine con la Turchia, nella zona di Sredets. La polizia di confine avrebbe intimato lo stop ad un gruppo di una cinquantina di migranti afgani. Al rifiuto dei migranti di obbedire sarebbero partiti gli spari e il colpo che ha ucciso uno dei migranti.
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Solidarity with Jock


Jock’s Story

Jock Palfreeman, as many young Australians do, left home early in 2006 to travel overseas. As a young man with an inquiring mind, he visited a number of countries, always seeking a wider experience than that of the average tourist. This led Jock to visit Bulgaria in Eastern Europe, where he made many good friends. Jock spent a number of months living and working with his friends and their families in a small country town about an hour’s drive from the capital, Sofia. Early in 2007, Jock left Bulgaria and travelled to the United Kingdom. During the Christmas/New Year period of 2007/2008, Jock returned to Bulgaria to visit friends and a series of events unfolded that was to have tragic consequences.

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