Tag Archives: Giannis Michailidis

Piraeus: Open letter of hospitalized comrade Yannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since November 17th


I write these lines to express how much I was touched by the widespread and polymorphous solidarity activity of comrades outside the prison walls.

Not only because its extent, imaginativeness, organizing-coordinating, tenacity and aggressiveness so far have surpassed all my expectations, knowing that significant state and capitalist buildings, and radio and television stations have been occupied, organized gatherings and demonstrations have taken place in almost all major cities of the territory, and attacks on the forces of repression as well as all kinds of insurgency attacks have occurred. But also because this is what breaks the solitude of my cell and makes me smile, because I was not imprisoned on Tuesday night, I was among you and felt the warmth of flaming barricades.
Continue reading Piraeus: Open letter of hospitalized comrade Yannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since November 17th

Atenas: 2° mitin solidario con el huelguista de hambre Yannis Michailidis


A eso de las 18:00 horas del 3 del diciembre se llevó a cabo el segundo mitin solidario con Yannis Michailidis, en huelga de hambre desde el 17/11, como forma de apoyo a la lucha de Nikos Romanos. Cerca de 250 solidarixs respondieron a la convocatoria, reuniéndose fuera del hospital Tzaneio, en el Pireo, donde se encuentra internado Yannis Michailidis. El lugar estaba lleno de maderos y secretas, las calles alrededor del hospital habían sido cortadas por la policía, dificultando el acceso de la gente al mitin, además de que la parte trasera del hospital desde donde se puede tener contacto visual con la habitación-celda donde está Yannis estaba bloqueada por un autobús de los antimotines.
Continue reading Atenas: 2° mitin solidario con el huelguista de hambre Yannis Michailidis

FAI-Fires on the Horizon – Nikos Romanos – london – uk (en/it/es/gr)

Anarquía. Portada

Act for freedom now! receives anonymous:
Anarchists on action today 3/12/14 we set on fire a security car in London  in solidarity with our brothers Nikos Romanos. Yiannis mixailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos Dimitris Politis they are on hunger strike in Athens .

Continue reading FAI-Fires on the Horizon – Nikos Romanos – london – uk (en/it/es/gr)

Athens: First announcement from the occupied Polytechnic School in Exarchia, 1/12/2014 (en/es)


As of today December 1st, 2014, the Athens Polytechnic School is occupied so as to become another centre of solidarity and commitment to the struggle of anarchist hunger striker Nikos Romanos (since 10/11/2014), as well as the rest of the comrades who are on hunger strike in solidarity with Nikos – Yannis Michailidis (since 17/11), Dimitris Politis and Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos (since 1/12).
Continue reading Athens: First announcement from the occupied Polytechnic School in Exarchia, 1/12/2014 (en/es)