Tag Archives: Ludd

Ned Ludd y la Reina Mab. Destrucción de máquinas, Romanticismo y los Comunales de 1811-1812.


Ned Ludd y la Reina Mab. Destrucción de máquinas, Romanticismo y los Comunales de 1811-1812.

Con este libro presentamos lo que pretende ser ediciones MOAI.  Publicamos la traducción del texto del historiador americano Peter Linebaugh Ned Ludd & Queen Mab. Machine-Breaking, Romanticism and the Several  Commons of  1811-1812. Hemos optado por una edición limitada de 100 ejemplares con portada en cartulina y serigrafía. El texto consta de 67 páginas que relatan de manera amena, novedosa y rigorosa la historia del luddismo inglés a principios del siglo XIX. El precio es de 4 euros para particulares y 3 euros para distribuidoras. Podéis pedir los ejemplares que queráis en blogmoai@gmail.com. También os dejamos el archivo para descargar de manera gratuita del que quien lo desee puede hacer las copias que quiera. En nuestro blog (http://archivomoai.blogspot.com.es/ )podéis encontar otros materiales para leer o descargar.
Continue reading Ned Ludd y la Reina Mab. Destrucción de máquinas, Romanticismo y los Comunales de 1811-1812.

In The Open Air — Notes on repression and related matters (en/it/fr)


A friend of Ludd

The notes that follow spring from a need: that of reflecting together on the current situation with the aim of finding the thread of a possible perspective. They are the fruit of various discussions in which the critical balance of past experience, the dissatisfaction with endeavors of struggle now going on and hope for existing potentialities blended together. They are not the line of one group in competition with another. Nor do they have any pretense or illusion of filling the voids — of life and projectual passion — with any more or less formal agreement on a few theses. If they contain unpleasant critiques, it is not for the sake of advancing them as an end in itself, but rather because I believe that it is still necessary to say unpleasant things. Like all the words in this world, they will only find an echo in those who feel a similar need. In short, a small basis for discussion in order to reach an understanding of what we can do, and with whom.

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L’idra tecnologica


Come fare per iniziare a parlare di un argomento complesso come la tecnologia? Analizzarla significa analizzare la totalità di questa civiltà moderna: non solo le sue prospettive industriali; non solo gli apparati e le strutture; non solo la gerarchia del potere e della specializzazione che questi apparati introducono nei rapporti umani; non solo gli «umili oggetti» che hanno scosso il nostro modo di vivere fin nelle sue più profonde radici, che hanno scosso anche i nostri sogni e i nostri desideri, il modo in cui vediamo noi stessi e il nostro mondo.

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The Luddites War on Industry: A story of machine smashing and spies

Do Or Die

Part I: The Luddites’ War on Industry

‘Chant no more your old rhymes about bold Robin Hood, His feats I but little admire, I will sing the achievements of General Ludd, Now the Hero of Nottinghamshire’

In fifteen months at the beginning of the second decade of the last century a movement of craft workers and their supporters declared war on the then emerging industrial society.

The movement spread across the Northern counties of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. It smashed thousands of machines, looted markets, burned down factories and spread hope of a way out of the bleak future being offered the majority of the British people. It was a movement that, in the words of the late radical historian E.P. Thompson; “in sheer insurrectionary fury has rarely been more widespread in English History.”

It is important to understand the birth of Industrialism. If we are to successfully dismantle the present system, it is essential to know how — and why — it was constructed.

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The Luddites War on Industry: A story of machine smashing and spies

Part I: The Luddites’ War on Industry

‘Chant no more your old rhymes about bold Robin Hood, His feats I but little admire, I will sing the achievements of General Ludd, Now the Hero of Nottinghamshire’

In fifteen months at the beginning of the second decade of the last century a movement of craft workers and their supporters declared war on the then emerging industrial society.

The movement spread across the Northern counties of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. It smashed thousands of machines, looted markets, burned down factories and spread hope of a way out of the bleak future being offered the majority of the British people. It was a movement that, in the words of the late radical historian E.P. Thompson; “in sheer insurrectionary fury has rarely been more widespread in English History.”

It is important to understand the birth of Industrialism. If we are to successfully dismantle the present system, it is essential to know how — and why — it was constructed.

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The Luddites War on Industry: A story of machine smashing and spies


The Luddites’ War on Industry
A story of machine smashing and spies
‘Chant no more your old rhymes about bold Robin Hood, His feats I but little admire, I will sing the achievements of General Ludd, Now the Hero of Nottinghamshire’

This article started off as a review but soon turned into some sort of synopsis arising from the reading of two books, both written by radical ecologists.
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Los Amigos de Ludd, L’età del petrolio

cover età petrolio x sito

Il petrolio è stato la condizione materiale dalla quale si è cercato di ottenere la dematerializzazione di tutto ciò che un tempo condizionava l’economia. Questa dematerializzazione si basa proprio sulle enormi reti di trasporto, l’agricoltura industriale motorizzata e la proliferazione di materiali di sintesi: su questa base si è potuta formare l’economia globale dei servizi, con le grandi città come nodi in cui si concentra il potere e da dove si gestiscono gli investimenti e la distribuzione delle risorse.
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