Tag Archives: Michele Schirru

Le testament de Michele Schirru


Né à Padria (Sassari), le 19 octobre 1899 il émigra en Amérique du nord où il acquit la citoyenneté américaine. Devenu anarchiste il ressentait un ardent amour pour la liberté. Il conçut le projet de tuer Mussolini pour libérer l’Italie de la tyrannie fasciste. Arrêté à Rome le 3 février 1931, à l’hôtel Colonna, il fut conduit au commissariat de Trevi pour être interrogé et fouillé. Soudain, face au commissariat, il sortit son pistolet en criant “Viva l’anarchia !” et en tirant sur les policiers. Il se blessa lui-même à la joue. Le 28 mai, il fut condamné à la peine de mort par le tribunal spécial, pour délit avec préméditation. Il fut fusillé à l’aube du 29 mai 1931 dans la cour du fort Baschi. Avant d’avoir les yeux bandés, il cria deux fois : “Viva l’anarchia !” Dans la prison Regina Cœli de Rome, il avait auparavant réussi à confier son testament politique à une personne sûre, pour qu’elle le transmette à ses camarades. (Ugo Fedeli)
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Uccidere il tiranno


Nota introduttiva

Da solo, all’appuntamento col tiranno, per ucciderlo. Da solo contro Mussolini, contro il boia che aveva dato vita a un partito di miserabili e di sopraffattori che aveva imbrigliato il popolo italiano dopo avere ucciso o costretto all’esilio ogni opposizione. Da solo contro gli attendismi, contro le chiacchiere, contro gli accordi e le coalizioni nate nei corridoi della politica di sinistra. Da solo contro tutti, contro la prudenza e contro la ragione, contro l’orrore.

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Michael Schirru



Max Sartin


M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.

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Michael Schirru


Max Sartin (1933)

M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.
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