Impunidad y carcel, juicio y castigo para los criminales del “pueblo”



(“Presxs a la kalle” N°6-2008 Agosto)



Un tema muchas veces ignorado, donde se hace urgente una critica antiautoritaria es el tema del castigo y el afán de encarcelar a nuestros enemigos de clase, llámese, torturadores y toda esa amalgama de asesinos a sueldo del más descarado terrorismo de Estado.
Continue reading Impunidad y carcel, juicio y castigo para los criminales del “pueblo”

Red Fascism (1934) – Pogrom (1934) – Letter from Russia (1930)


Voline (1934)

Red Fascism

I’ve just been reading an extract from a letter from our valiant comrade A[lfonso] Petrini [1] who is in the USSR, under banishment. There I came upon the following lines: “(…) They’re locking us all up, one by one. Real revolutionaries may not enjoy freedom in Russia. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech have been wiped out, so there is no difference between Stalin and Mussolini.”
Continue reading Red Fascism (1934) – Pogrom (1934) – Letter from Russia (1930)

Prison system’s intention to use secret intelligence against John Bowden at next parole hearing – January 2013


Prison system’s intention to use secret intelligence against John Bowden at next parole hearing – January 2013

It is relatively rare that prisoners, originally sentenced for non-political offences, become so politicized whilst in jail, that their release is opposed by prison authorities for exactly that reason.
Continue reading Prison system’s intention to use secret intelligence against John Bowden at next parole hearing – January 2013

Un prêtre est un chien enragé que tout passant a le devoir d’abattre


Par Laurent Tailhade (1902)

A Monsieur Joseph Viollet, ratichon
19 décembre 1902.
Vous exercez, monsieur, la très hilarante fonction d’accommoder pour les personnes pieuses des sandwichs d’Absolu, que vous leur poussez dans le gaviot, non sans accomplir maintes génuflexions et autres simagrées. Vous enseignez imperturbablement aux élèves confiés à vos leçons qu’un ramier féconda, il y vingt siècles, une vierge déipare, laquelle, ayant mis bas dans un chenil à bestiaux, vit sortir de ses flancs la Cause immatérielle de l’Univers sous la figure d’un “gluant”, si j’ose m’exprimer ainsi.
Continue reading Un prêtre est un chien enragé que tout passant a le devoir d’abattre

Barricate a Barcellona-Barcelona (Radio Cane-Radio Onda Rossa)


Barcellona, 27 maggio 2014. Dopo diciassette anni di vita, viene sgomberato e demolito lo spazio occupato Can Vies, nel quartiere Sants. Per tre giorni, nelle strade della città, presidi, manifestazioni, scontri e barricate. Ci siamo fatti raccontare da due compagni di Barcellona come stanno andando le cose.

Ascolta il contributo



Barcellona: dopo lo sgombero del csa Cam Vies la protesta sociale si estende a tutta la città

La corrispondenza con un compagno a Barcellona

Contrast (en/it/de/fr)

Never Weaken (1921)

B.Traven (21 December 1921)

Think! But you can’t think, because you need statutes, because you have
administrators to elect, because you have ministers to enthrone, because you can’t
live without government, because you can’t live without a boss.
You yield your voices only to lose them, and when you yourselves want to use them,
you don’t have them anymore, you miss them because you gave them up.
Continue reading Contrast (en/it/de/fr)