Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado del compañero Juan Flores (es/en/fr)


Martes 7 de abril, llegando del kastigo

A mis hermanxs Nataly, Guillermo y Enrique

A lxs hermanxs que con dignidad enfrentan esta cotidianidad humillante

A todxs lxs hermanxs presxs deklaradxs en guerra

Un saludo fraterno y sincero, lleno de rebeldía y alegría, un abrazo subversivo y kombativo, lleno de orgullo y dignidad. Un beso komplice y solidario, lleno de ansias y anhelos.

A todxs mis familiares, amigxs y compañerxs ke no han dejado un solo segundo hacernos llegar/notar todo el calor fraterno de la solidaridad, claramente dentro de su criterio/convicción la indiferencia no es/era una opción, aun así teniendo claras las repercusiones y consecuencias que esto podría causar en su día a día, tener ke lidiar con la eskizofrenica represión (seguimiento, persecución y vigilancia), y todo lo ke implica el adiestramiento y tácticas enfermas de la policía, no es algo grato ni cómodo para nuestros amores.

Durante estos ya casi 7 meses de secuestro por parte del estado chileno, la belleza solidaria a estado presente y ha logrado romper con el aislamiento kotidiano al ke me/nos han sometido (visitas, encomiendas, cartas, gestos políticamente solidarios) todos estos han sido latentes en mi/nuestro día a día, pero el poder y sus plebeyos no dudaron en repetir sus reproches, una vez mas los lazos afectivos/ el compañerismo/ la amistad/ la solidaridad/ el amor son criminalizados, al igual como sucedió en el tendencioso “caso security” y esa falaz llave maestra de esposas, que supuestamente encontraron lxs perrxs del TAR en la comida del compañero Juan Aliste Vega, y recientemente en el territorio dominado por el estado griego y el hostigamiento apuntado al entorno cercano de lxs compañerxs de la conspiración de las células del fuego a manos de la unidad antiterrorista y sus “grandes” autoridades,  donde han detenido y secuestrado a la madre y pareja/compañera de los compañeros Christos y Gerasimos Tsakalos. Operación Pandora hace unos meses y la reciente operación Piñata ambas en el territorio dominado por el estado español y ambas dirigidas al entorno cercano/solidario con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar, que hace mas de un año se encuentran secuestrados en las mazmorras del estado fascista español.

Es así como el lunes 6 de abril es detenido/secuestrado y allanado el domicilio de nuestro amado hermano/amigo/compañero Enrique Alfonso Guzman Amadeo, el “hueso” como le decimos sus cercanos, en un operativo parafernaliko y holibudence, como suele hacerlo el brazo armado del poder (FFEE, GOPE, LABOCAR). Enrique/hueso sin nada ke ocultar ni negar, había decidido solidarizar activamente con nosotrxs, dejando completamente de lado los temores fundados por fiskales y su prensa karroñera, para así dar vida al amor y la lealtad que solo hermanos como el pueden dar sentido a aquellos gestos, es por esa razón que enrique/hueso esta secuestrado, estan lejos de perseguir un delito, sino, la belleza esencial de la solidaridad.

El religioso kanal católico junto al buitre Jorge Hans (un perfecto portavoz del poder) y su eterna ignorancia, krean confusiones, espectáculos mediáticos. Desde ya me gustaria aclarar que Enrique Guzman es mi compañero, y aunque no siendo del mismo grupo sanguíneo lo considero mi hermano, no es mi brazo derecho como lo anuncio el “divino” noticiario. Si bien soy claro en decir y reconocerme como un eterno enemigo del estado, esto esta infinitamente lejos de ser líder/jefe de una “célula/hermética/compacta/anarkista”. No es de mi interés dirigir/representar con mi ideología a mis compañeros, de hecho todo lo contrario, es junto a ellxs con kienes sueño y es ahí donde desenfrenadamente avanzamos, anhelos jamás antes pensados por estructuras formales, es por eso ke lejos de jerarkias, rangos y organizaciones, es como decidimos poner en practica nuestras ideas, reconociendo la libertad como el uniko objetivo a alcanzar.

Es por eso que con audacia y valor afrontamos las pantomimas judiciales y delirios de fiscalía regional metropolitana sur, el miedo a un nuevo fracaso bombas les ha hecho montar pruebas tan absurdas como lo son un gorro, una bolsa de carbón, un extintor de un auto. Como lo suele hacer el enemigo/poder/capital es castigada la hermandad y el compañerismo, la solidaridad y las ganas de no kedar inertes ante el terrorismo estatal y el show mediatiko/judicial/policial que han kreado a punta de falacias.

Cárcel, para kien anhela la libertad…

Solidaridad revolucionaria e internacionalista con los compañerxs en huelga de hambre* de Lucha Revolucionaria y de la conspiración de las células del fuego…

Fuerza y dignidad para Natalia Collado y Javier Pino…

Fuerza y cariño para Tamara Sol y sus problemas de salud, fuerza, dignidad y valentia ante la condena impuesta por el poder, compañera

Solidaridad antisistemika entre lxs presxs declaradxs en guerra

Pd: Señor Raul Guzman y Claudio orellana dada su imaginación y delirio pongan en practica su dotes de guionistas vean si les va mejor como productores de cine, kizas triunfen mas con una película de ficción.

Juan Alexis Flores Riquelme
Modulo 1
Santiago 1

*Nota de Contra Info: Los miembros presos de Lucha Revolucionaria, Kostas Gournas y Nikos Maziotis, finalizaron su huelga de hambre (ver aquí y aquí), al igual que lxs miembros presxs de la CCF (ver aquí).

en francés


Chile: Words from Juan Flores on the recent events in the Santiago 1 prison

The inquisition has begun!!! Brothers and sisters: six months have already passed since the tempestuous and fatal day of September 18 when we were hunted down by the tentacles of the repressive octopus in a violent and resentful attack. That is how my bother and sister Guillermo and Nataly and I were abducted and subjected to the holy tribunal for the formalization of the charges, all based on the antiterrorism law, and accused of having placed several explosive devices in the capital, an accusation that we deny having anything to do with. Once again we see how power and its repressive forces points the finger at us and criminalizes our political ideas and idea of freedom, turning our arrest into unquestioning Social Peace before the citizenry.

Our brother Guillermo has been put under house arrest, whereas my beloved comrade and I have been sent to the cells of power, where we struggle every day against imprisonment and the distance from our loved ones…

Historically ‘we’ who don’t show an attitude of submission to power and the dominant system are struck by heavy repressive blows, and clearly this is not the first time that the State/Capital has unleashed political persecution against the most dignified men and women, those of us who are not prepared to be collaborators of the capitalist system, a system that has made the real meaning and essence of life disappear completely.

When one decides to reject any dominant and/or higher person and/or structure and sees freedom as the most precious thing that we can give to this sad history that ‘we have to live’, this is obviously independent of any situation or place dictated by circumstances and means being aware of the consequences… So, I am going to “relate” what happened on Monday February 23.

Monday, February 23, 7pm: after the cell doors are locked, a drove of pigs/lakayos of the Gendarmerie violently enter the cell I am kidnapped in. First they had gone to cell number 1 because their records said that was where I was locked up. I had been held there earlier but decided to get moved to cell 20 due to ‘questions of panoramic view’. So, not finding me in cell number 1, and after seizing a prisoner’s telephone, they come to cell 20, open the cage door and drag me out into the corridor.

Unaware of the reasons for this procedure, I simply say, calmly and without insulting them, ‘Do what you like, the cages are yours, but all my stuff and papers are in there and I don’t want them removed or damaged’. About 5 minutes go by.. I hear that they are starting to go through the gestures of solidarity sent to me by kompas for whom indifference was not an option. Solidarity is a dangerous weapon, there is no doubt about that…

Being somewhat annoyed I demand that the jailers get out of the cell (there were about 25 servants of the GARP, support and early response unit under orders of captain Pincheira); when I ask the reasons for this violation the screws start insulting me ‘chanting slogans’ as most of them are from the south, ignorant, and been raised with insults and beatings, devoid of any caresses or gestures of affection…

Inevitably a quarrel transpires, one of the dogs leaving the cage, clearly frustrated at not having found what they were looking for, goes into cell 21 and asks the prisoner: ‘What is Flores hiding?’ Of course, he would never have said anything for ethical reasons; I wanted to know about my letters, things, etc … and so I take a step towards the cage, when a screw grabs me by the arm and quickly twists it under his own!!! I am cowardly restricted by several lakayos … struggling, insulting them and throwing them a few kicks. Obviously I have no intention of showing myself subdued, but I am overpowered by their force and number, handcuffed with two shackles pulled very tight and struck on the ankle with one of them. They order me to kneel but I insult them clearly showing them I won’t … they then beat me in different parts of my body (legs, ribs, back), seize a USB cable and a chip, take me to the internal guard and then to the infirmary in order to check for injuries, a thing they never normally do. Back to the internal guard, I meet the prisoner whose telephone they had taken, who had been charged and taken back to the wing. According to the GARP dogs’ statement I allegedly said: ‘When I’m free I’ll find you and kill you’… death threats, another trial, for which investigations will have to be carried out and findings given. If I had made these threats I’d have acknowledged it without any problem, but as I said, I didn’t make any threats…

I am punished with 10 days’ solitary confinement for possession of prohibited items, without knowing what would happen after the cops’ false statement, and am taken to the disciplinary and confinement module 88 in my underpants just as I had been taken out of the cell. It is around 10pm. The next day a prison mate that I relate with quite a lot brought me some clothes. That same day I was visited by my civil defence lawyer to whom I explained what had happened… he said he would call for formal inquiries.

I was in the solitary confinement unit in module 88: I went to the yard/cell for only an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. On the fifth day, as is the custom, a contingent that never goes unobserved in this prison, composed of 5 screws of TAR (High Risk Transfer), turned up in module 88.. When we reached room 15 of the Corte di Garanzia I noticed my father and a friend/brother and saw they were sad and disheartened, it seems they knew…

The judge established that the days of solitary confinement for possession of prohibited items was an excessive punishment and asked the gendarmerie HOW such items could be brought into a Maximum Security wing; as well as that the 5-day punishment was finished and that such threats should be put under investigation…

The lawyer of the gendarmerie, the council of Las Condes (claimant) and prosecutor CLAUDIO ORELLANA asked for the imposed sanction be respected…

Immediate transfer to the wing was ordered…

Refusal and not recognizing the law as a daily act of my life is based on my desire for total liberation; the journey on the road to freedom is full of difficulties, the powerful octopus is prepared to do anything except when its ruling system is challenged and put in question by those of us who are still irreducible … The cefalopod clearly saw itself as vulnerable and this wounded it; its social peace built on the incarceration of those of us who remain ungovernable and untouched by its mass hypnotising bourgeois / commercial system is inexistent and is only the power to domesticate our lives, creating more resentment and hatred of its reign of lies.

‘No wing will be maximum security, nor will I recognize high risk transfer’

Juan Alexis Flores Riquelme

Módulo 1



Source: Act for freedom now!