

from “Insurrezione” October 1977
translated from ‘Parafulmine e controfigure’, ed. Anarchismo

1. The intolerable sensation that each one of us felt at the news of the killing of Baader, Ensslin and Raspe and the attempted elimination of Moeller, is the piercing stab in that part of us that recognises itself in these women and men, and recognises and admires in them individuals who, in the immediate, can no longer tolerate the present state of affairs. On the other hand, the claim of the Rote Armee Fraktion to educate the masses by example and organise their revolutonary struggle as a vanguard, has always rendered their perspective quite extraneous and absolutely opposed to ours.
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Operazione della polizia postale contro Anonymous: arresti e perquisizioni


Perquisizioni, denunce e due arresti domiciliari durante un’operazione coordinata questa mattina dalla Polizia Postale contro presunti membri della crew di hacktivisti digitali Anonymous. Ad essere colpite dall’operazione repressiva denominata “UNMASK” (“smascherare”) almeno 5 persone nelle città di Torino, Sondrio, Livorno e Pisa accusate, secondo gli inquirenti, di avere “portato  a  termine  ripetuti attacchi  informatici  ai  sistemi  di  numerose  amministrazioni  pubbliche  ed  aziende private,  dalle  quali  venivano  illecitamente  carpite  credenziali  di  autenticazione (userid e password) ed altre  informazioni  sensibili”.
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Infest 3 – A Nazi Fest? Useless Christ Records, The Atlantic City Skins and Martin Jason Schacteer


A few weeks from now, April 10-12, Philly will host Infest 3 at the Voltage Lounge. The stage won’t be populated by Nazi boneheads preaching racism or xenophobia. In fact, none of the bands on the bill (that we know of) have any shady political affiliations.
Continue reading Infest 3 – A Nazi Fest? Useless Christ Records, The Atlantic City Skins and Martin Jason Schacteer

Elicotteri italiani in Turchia per giochi di guerra Nato


Il governo di Ankara ha scatenato una violenta offensiva contro la resistenza kurda, si appresta con l’Arabia Saudita a fornire assistenza ai ribelli siriani in lotta contro il regime di Bashar al-Assad e minaccia d’intervenire in Libia per punire i responsabili del bombardamento di un mercantile turco carico di armi destinate alle milizie islamico-radicali. Mentre la Turchia è al centro di un frenetico attivismo bellicista, alcuni paesi Nato (tra cui l’Italia), stanno fornendo pieno sostegno alle forze armate del pericoloso partner mediterraneo.

Dal 4 al 15 maggio una trentina di velivoli dell’Alleanza atlantica sono stati rischiarati nella base aerea di Konya, Anatolia, per partecipare all’esercitazione “Tiger Meet 2015”: cacciabombardieri F-16 “Falcon Fighters” delle aeronautiche di Polonia e Turchia, i caccia F-18 Hornet” dell’aeronautica svizzera, i “Rafale” francesi, un velivolo radar “Awacs” della forza multinazionale Nato di Geilenkirchen (Germania), due elicotteri AB-212 del 9° Stormo di Grazzanise (Caserta). Le operazioni aeree sono seguite da un folto gruppo di “osservatori militari” appositamente giunti da Grecia, Austria, Germania, Olanda, Repubblica Ceca e dalla base dell’Aeronautica italiana di Gioia del Colle (Bari).
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On Amnesty


There has been reference in some anarchist papers recently to the ‘struggle for amnesty’ taking place by prisoners in Italy. Even without knowing much of what has been happening there in recent years, it doesn’t take much reflection to see there is a contradiction in terms here. A ‘struggle’ for amnesty is at best a contra-diction, in its true light it is one of the latest swindles by the repressive apparatus of the Italian State, requiring the complicity of a large part of what was once its contestant (at least in its present form) Both inside and outside the prison walls. Hence the rivers of words, theories, justifications and platitudes, amounting to no more than a fairly generalised ‘throwing in the towel’. ‘The War is over’, and the same laws that churned out life sentences and allowed for the release of vile traitors and grasses, are now sanctioning amnesty. The order is: continue the struggle with other means. The ones used till now have made too much noise. Abandon everything. Put aside the class struggle. Abandon the revolution.
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Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki statement on the benefit gig of May 2nd and National Boshevism


Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki organised a support concert 2nd of May with Liquid Sisters, Suspiria, Mare And The Corpse-Eyed Toads, Celibat, Kombinator. Three latter bands were from Russia and ahd over-lapping membership.
During and after the gig it became known that some members of the Russian bands had National-bolshevik sympathies, and eventually gig planned for Turku the following day was cancelled by organisers there.

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by Penelope Nin

It is rumored that we (a “we” not well-defined whose lack of definition suits the rumor-mongers) have nothing to do with anarchism, being in reality nihilists disguised for the purpose of penetrating into the sanctuary of anarchy with bad intentions. It is noted that one who takes up the task of guarding the temple ends up seeing thieves everywhere, and maybe the hour has come to quiet “our” troubled detractors.

First of all, they must explain what they mean by nihilism. Personally, I view anyone who extols the joys of nihilism to me with suspicion because I consider nihilism, as the substantiation of nothing, to be a deception. When the incompleteness of all is cultivated with a feeling of fullness, it is difficult to resist the temptation to replace the old absolute with its most abstract moment in which nothing is immediately transformed into all and is therefore totalized. Ultimately, nihilism seems to me to be a crafty form of reasoning, that drives the whole structure of knowledge into the darkness of Nothingness only to receive, through this spectacular, radical negation, still more of the light of the All.