Repressione | Nocività – Sentenza per il processo italiano contro Silvia, Billy e Costa



Questa mattina presso il Tribunale di Torino c’è stata la lettura della sentenza per Silvia, Billy e Costa, già condannati in Svizzera per possesso, trasporto e ricettazione di esplosivo per il tentativo di attacco al centro di ricerche nano-tecnologiche IBM a Zurigo a firma Earth Liberation Front Switzerland. Il processo elvetico si concluse con la condanna tra i tre anni e quattro mesi e tre anni e otto mesi.
La procura di Torino, imbastendo un caso tutto italiano, aveva chiesto pene fino a 5 anni e 6 mesi per i medesimi reati. Il tribunale si è espresso con l’improcedibilità per il “Ne bis in idem”, non poter condannare per lo stesso reato, quindi il non dover procedere per difetto di giurisdizione.

Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle


Vial camp in Chios

Updates from the situation at Europe’s Eastern borders following the horrific EU-Turkey deal, from Hurriya.

On March 18th, 28 premiers of EU were in Brussels to confirm a deal to halt illegal migration flows with the turkish premier Davutoglu. The agreement aims to deport to Turkey all migrants arrived in Greece since March 20th, together with people already in Greece classified as “economic migrants”. Basically, this is the final elimination of the already limited right of asylum: who will face EU policies arriving in the islands will have no chances of “legal” resettlement. There remains only the promise of EU countries to relocate several thousand Syrians directly from Turkey.
Continue reading Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle

[A-Radio in English] Belarus: Former anarchist prisoner about his experiences on how to survive jail


The following recording has been made by the Anarchist Group Dortmund (in cooperation with A-Radio Berlin) during a presentation on March 6, 2016.

In it the former anarchist prisoner from Belarus Mikalai Dziadok shares his prison experiences and gives some advice on how to survive the jail.
Total helplessness, psychological pressure, stupid convicts‘ laws, ever-lasting prison terms – this is what Belarusian prison is made of.
Continue reading [A-Radio in English] Belarus: Former anarchist prisoner about his experiences on how to survive jail

¡Periódico Anarquía Nº26 en las calles!


Tiempos difíciles se avecinan para los anarquistas y cualquier antiautoritario en general. Y más allá de las diferentes visiones, las diferentes proyecciones deberían coincidir en algo: no son tiempos para retroceder. La caída de las izquierdas nos pone en un sitial muy bueno para re-impulsar nuestros proyectos con más fuerza. Los últimos coletazos del izquierdismo aún se van a sentir. El populismo perdió terreno en todas partes pero ha fortalecido en el camino a los aparatos estatales lo suficiente como para sentirse satisfecho. Los grupos políticos comienzan a perderse en un mar de desesperación entre su corrupción, impotencia y compromiso con el sistema. Todo este panorama abre muchas y nuevas oportunidades, como siempre está en nosotros hacer algo con todo eso.
Continue reading ¡Periódico Anarquía Nº26 en las calles!