Tre anni e quattro mesi. È questo il breve lasso di tempo intercorso fra la scomparsa di due uomini che il destino ha legato in modo indissolubile. Amici in vita e compagni di lotta, su di loro è sempre aleggiato il sospetto di essere stati complici in uno dei più celebri assassini della storia.
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All posts by machorka
El funeral de Kropotkin
En una madrugada de hace unos ochenta y ocho años (el 8 de febrero de 1921) moría a sus 78 años, a causa de una neumonía, en su casita de Dmitrov —que habitaba desde el verano del 1918—, un pueblecito a unos kilómetros al norte de Moscú, uno de los mayores teóricos del anarquismo de la historia, el ruso Piotr A. Kropotkin. Su familia y conocidos rechazó la oferta del gobierno bolchevique de celebrar un funeral de estado, siendo fieles a los principios del fallecido de no aceptar favores de ningún gobierno, ni toleró fausto ni pompa alguna. Para ello se creó una comisión especial para las exequias compuesta por anarquistas.
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Cos’è un Individuo?
Tratto da My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation against all Authority
Cosa sono in quanto individuo? La personalizzazione unica di uno specifico processo di sviluppo, emozioni in trasformazione, azioni, pensieri, interazioni, relazioni… Da dove provengono questi mobili fili intrecciati? Nel mondo attuale, prima che io inizi ad essere consapevole di ciò e cominci a prendere questi fili nelle mie mani, essi provengono soprattutto dalle cose e creano l’aspetto dello specifico contesto sociale nel quale sono nato, dove sono cresciuto e stato educato, e dove continuo a realizzare i miei ruoli e le mie funzioni.
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Statism and Anarchy
Michail Bakunin (1873)
Critique of the Marxist Theory of the State
There is no road leading from metaphysics to the realities of life. Theory and fact are separated by an abyss. It is impossible to leap across this abyss by what Hegel called a “qualitative jump” from the world of logic to the world of nature and of real life.
The road leading from concrete fact to theory and vice versa is the method of science and is the true road. In the practical world, it is the movement of society toward forms of organization that will to the greatest possible extent reflect life itself in all its aspects and complexity.
Such is the people’s way to complete emancipation, accessible to all — the way of the anarchist social revolution, which will come from the people themselves, an elemental force sweeping away all obstacles. Later, from the depths of the popular soul, there will spontaneously emerge the new creative forms of social life.
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“Soviet” Power — Its Present and Its Future
Nestor Makhno. October 1931
Many people, especially left-wing politicians, have a tendency to regard “soviet” power as a State power different from all the rest, to be sure, but painting that difference in the rosiest of hues:
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Spiritual Perversity
Some biographical notes. From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens, March 2010
Some biographical notes. From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens, March 2010
Alfredo Maria Bonnano was born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily. In October 1972 he was arrested, convicted and imprisoned in Catania prison for subversive action, because of some articles that were published in Sinistra Libertaria, a publication that was born out of an assembly of people from struggles that were happening in many different cities in Italy. During that period and the years that followed, he participated with thousands of other fighters in the multiform and widespread insurrectional wave, the storming of the heavens that was to sweep through the Italian peninsula with a unique, for European postwar standards, density and intensity.
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Porque una muerte en combate es un llamado eterno a luchar. (2012)
Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras
…Punky Mauri presente!!!
A propósito de cumplirse 3 años de la muerte en combate del compañero Mauricio Morales y hermanándonos con su postura de vida antiautoritaria que lo llevó a empuñar diversas herramientas de lucha, queremos saludar su vida dándole continuidad a la ofensiva contra el poder y compartir algunas ideas y tensiones surgidas al calor de la permanente insurrección…
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The Fullness of a struggle without adjectives
A critique of a letter written by Stasi and Gregorian that proposed the creation of an armed organization. The article is at times specific to Italy and the debate between Stasi, Gregorian, and Canenero. However, it is useful for its critique of armed organization.
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