Tag Archives: 2007

Julio Rebosio Barrera, agitador antimilitarista


Nacido en 1896, llegó a Chile desde Perú en los primeros años de su vida. Sus padres cruzan la Línea de la Concordia con la idea de encontrar empleo en las salitreras, es por esto que se asientan en Iquique, donde el compañero Rebosio pasará gran parte de su corta vida. Es en esta ciudad del norte donde comienza su camino político y laboral.
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A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain

A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain

GRAPO members arrested in 2007

The First of October Anti-fascist Resistance Groups (GRAPO) were formed in the summer of 1975. At that time twenty members of the Communist Party of Spain (reconstituted) -PCE(r)-, underground party formed five months before, carried out their first armed action against the fascist security forces. On 2nd August 1975 a couple of Civil Guard members (a repressive military police force) were shot in the centre of Madrid. One of them was dead and another one seriously injured. It was the first strike back of GRAPO against the wave of fascist-inspired terror known as the summer of terror.
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Bruciare perchè si brucia


Pare che di questi tempi non vi sia via d’uscita tra il considerare la possibilita’ di un governo “amico” (una parola che spopola tra le file del potere) o il voler creare spazi alternativi paralleli al mondo amministrato, sorte di isole felici sulle cui spiagge godere del “sole dell’avvenire”. Bene non ce ne importa un benemerito dell’avvenire, tantomeno di abbrustolire all’ombra di palme sinistre di isole pacificate.
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