Tag Archives: Antifa

Presidio antifascista e No Tav: contro la presenza di Caselli e in solidarietà con imputati per scontri contro Casapound

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Martedì 5 Novembre Cuneo

Mentre nelle aule del Tribunale ci si ingegna per mandare in galera con pene fino a 7 anni e mezzo chi concretamente ha cercato di contrastare la presenza fascista in città, l’antifascismo istituzionale cuneese invita a parlare Caselli, il procuratore capo di Torino che tanto zelo dedica alla repressione delle lotte, ultima in ordine di tempo quella del movimento popolare che si oppone all’Alta Velocità ferroviaria in Valsusa.
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Red Fascism



I’ve just been reading an extract from a letter from our valiant comrade A[lfonso] Petrini [1] who is in the USSR, under banishment. There I came upon the following lines: “(…) They’re locking us all up, one by one. Real revolutionaries may not enjoy freedom in Russia. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech have been wiped out, so there is no difference between Stalin and Mussolini.
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Against the Racist Delirium


Camillo Berneri


Fascism, the triumph of the irrational, has taken the most discredited myths of pre-scientific ethnology to its bosom. One of the theorists of Hitlerism (assuming that it can be regarded as a body of doctrine), Ernest Krieck, in his book National Political Education (page 17), proclaims the need to subject science to National Socialist politics, thereby giving science the kiss of death.
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