Tag Archives: Antifa

Modena | Repressione – Fascisti e polizia: i soliti servi dei padroni



In un gioco di copertura Lega Nord e addirittura Forza Nuova organizzano comizi in centro, fiaccolate, pseudo-ronde per la sicurezza, incitano all’odio razziale e all’omofobia; in pieno accordo con i poteri forti, con i politici democratici, con i ricchi industriali, remano a favore della guerra, la guerra dei poveri contro i poveri; chiedete al nonno chi sono costoro, com’è andata con Mussolini in Russia, o chiedete alla mamma se si ricorda della strage di Bologna…
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I barbari e noi: una critica antirazzista e antispecista alle campagne contro la macellazione halal


Tempo fa abbiamo ricevuto lo scritto che diffondiamo sotto. In evidente ritardo nel pubblicarlo, consideriamo comunque sempre attuale il contenuto e importante non far calare il sipario su queste tendenziose campagne animaliste, che nel migliore dei casi prestano il fianco a incursioni razziste e fasciste. Criticare un tipo di macellazione rispetto ad un’altra, soprattutto quando in Italia sono diffusi legalmente tanti piccoli macelli (un esempio gli agriturismi) ci sembra assolutamente discriminatorio solo verso un certo tipo di cultura/religione, atteggiamento che aborriamo perché non colpisce ciò che riteniamo sia davvero da abbattere, cioè tutti i macelli. Inoltre, questo tipo di campagne non vede alcun collegamento fra tutte le lotte che dobbiamo intraprendere per costruire un mondo senza distinzioni, anzi, sfrutta la rabbia e le difficoltà di vivere di molti strati della popolazione, dividendo non solo fra cultura e cultura, ma anche fra specie e specie, fra sofferenza più buona e sofferenza meno buona.
Ecco il testo:

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Coming up: antifascist bloc on 6 March Kurdish solidarity demo


On the 6th March, there will be a national Kurdish Demo in London, supporting the people of Rojava against Daesh and the murderous Turkish State, and the AFN will have a bloc on it. We will be proudly displaying our support for the people of Rojava’s struggle against the fascists of Daesh and for freedom. Look for the Antifascist flags and banners on the day!
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Call-out for international support against Calais evictions and against the borders // Appel à soutien international contre les expulsions à Calais et contre les frontières



One more time, the French government – in collusion with the UK – has announced plans to evict the homes and shelters of many undocumented people living in Calais. People have until 20:00 on Tuesday 23rd February to leave the Southern half of the Jungle. According to the government, those resident in the eviction zone should move, disappear, be put behind walls, be locked up or deported. The only reason for this, their lack of regularized status. Eviction notices were served on Friday. Many inhabitants of the Jungle, supported by associations, served a complaint against the eviction and destruction of the camp. This appeal will be heard in court in Lille on Tuesday, 23rd February at 2pm. The judge presiding over the case will visit the Jungle on Tuesday morning. These are the facts so far.
Continue reading Call-out for international support against Calais evictions and against the borders // Appel à soutien international contre les expulsions à Calais et contre les frontières

(B) Auto von Peter Brammann in Brand gesteckt

Brammann's Ex-Auto

Letzte Woche Mittwoch haben wir das Auto des “Deutsch Stolz Treue” Sängers Peter Marko Brammann angezündet. Brammann geboren am 28.05.1969, wohnt unweit von dem Hausprojekt “Köpi” in der  Köpenickerstr. 45 entfernt (Hinterhof rechter Aufgang). Nicht das erstemal ist er Ziel von antifaschistischen Interventionen geworden. Dennoch ist er regelmäßig bei McFit in der Heinrich-Heine-Straße anzutreffen. Ebenso wurde er Freitags beobachtet, wie er Rechts Rock CDs deutschlandweit verschickt.
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Athens: Molotov attack against Zaimi 11 squat in Exarchia


Zaimi 11 squat–Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails

In the early hours of Tuesday, February 16th 2016, at around 04:40am, the squatted Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists Zaimi 11 was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails, one of which burst against the front door and the other in the front part of the yard. No material damages were caused, because the fire was promptly quenched by individuals who were present in the squat at the time and reacted immediately.
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