Tag Archives: Barry Horne

1998: Carta de Barry Horne durante su última huelga de hambre


Nota de la redacción: Sigue un escrito de Barry Horne, un antiespecista arrestado en julio de 1996 mientras instalaba artefactos incendiarios cronometrados en varios locales de Bristol, Inglaterra. Posteriormente, sería implicado en varios ataques producidos el año anterior en la Isla de Wight, que causaron millones de libras en daños a empresas dedicadas a la vivisección.
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Barry Horne Animal Liberationist


Letter from Barry – Hunger Strikes – Actions for Barry
Barry’s Funeral Barry Bio 1Barry Bio 2Barry Bio 3
Barry and About ALF – FraudLabour Lies – Veganism
Vivisection – Violence & AR

This site is dedicated to the memory of Barry Horne, an animal liberation activist who died in a UK prison hospital on November 5, 2001. He had been sentenced to 18 years in prison for various criminal damage and arson attacks mainly against companies involved in vivisection.

In prison he went on hunger strike several times in protest against government support for the vivisection industry, and their broken pre-election promises about animal experiments. The third of these hunger strikes lasted 68 days, and Barry never fully recovered.

His actions generated worldwide publicity, and initiated a huge upsurge in animal liberation activity, the effects of which are still being felt even today.

This site will include details of Barry’s life and achievements as an animal liberation activist as well as his imprisonment and subsequent hunger strike protests. If you have any contributions to make, please contact info@barryhorne.org

We will also mark the anniversary of Barry’s death on November 5th each year. Each anniversary of his death has been marked by actions all over the world, of which some will be listed here. Meanwhile please visit http://www.directaction.info/


(Comunicado 05/11/2013) Breve escrito en conmemoración de la muerte de Barry Horne por parte de unx de lxs detenidxs el 11 de septiembre en Villa Francia y actualmente en arresto domiciliario.


Si algo aprendí de Barry y otrxs compañerxs es que, incluso en las
condiciones más adversas, no debemos agachar la cabeza, no debemos olvidar nuestras ideas, que incluso desde la cárcel se puede seguir agitando, y que la lucha por muy individual que sea nunca es en beneficio de unx mismx.
Continue reading (Comunicado 05/11/2013) Breve escrito en conmemoración de la muerte de Barry Horne por parte de unx de lxs detenidxs el 11 de septiembre en Villa Francia y actualmente en arresto domiciliario.