Tag Archives: belgium

War, catastrophe, democracy, prison. We want revolution (en/it/fr/de)


n a time when words seem to lose their meaning, when the language of power tries to penetrate all our conversations, we think it is even more indispensable to make an effort in order to speak clearly. Let’s stop parroting what the newspapers say, television shows and the powerful want us to believe. The point is neither to agree at all costs nor to convert everything, but it is to try to speak with our mouth, our words, our pains and our hopes.
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About the destruction of the isolation unit in Brugge




On the 2nd of April, prisoners destroyed the new isolation unit in the prison of Brugge (Belgium). This new isolation unit was opened almost ten months ago and apparently didn’t reach it’s objective to break the spirit of rebellion amongst certain prisoners. The riot and destructions obliged the prison directories to close the new unit down.
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La Comune di fronte agli anarchici


Prima di illustrare gli episodi più salienti di questa rivoluzione che, pur rapida come una meteora, lasciò un solco così profondo, sarà pregio dell’opera riassumere brevemente i fatti da cui scaturì e che la legittimano anche al cospetto di coloro i quali – ben diversi da noi – non ritengono legittime contro qualsiasi forma di governo tutte le rivoluzioni popolari.
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