Tag Archives: CCF

Greece: Intervention by imprisoned CCF member Christos Tsakalos at an event held in Karditsa


The following text is an English language translation of a talk given via phone by imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire member Christos Tsakalos at an event that was held recently at a self-managed hangout space in Karditsa.
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Greece: Angeliki Spyropoulou – With No Trace of Remorse (en/es)


This experience is the starter of the development on both a political and a personal level. Imprisonment is an almost inevitable experience for anyone who has decided to join the armed struggle. But the question, as in every experience, is whether and how to take advantage of it.

The birth of the prison has always been built upon cultivation and perpetuation of validation of submission of those who do not conform to the predefined standards of society. However, there are some people whose desire for freedom burns their hearts in a way that does not allow them to accept the role imposed on them as part of the prison automation, even for a single moment during their imprisonment. When it comes to these people, prison fails miserably in its purpose, and despite the walls and bars that stand around them capturing their bodies, they themselves remain rebellious and actually free. Neither souls nor spirits fit in cages.
Continue reading Greece: Angeliki Spyropoulou – With No Trace of Remorse (en/es)

Judge continues the trial against CCF despite concerns raised by District Attorney & defense lawyers (Greece)


Today on March 31st the court convened for the trial against members of the C.C.F. accused to have planned an escape from prison. Due to an ongoing lawyers’ strike, the defense attorneys asked for the trial to temporarily discontinue. The lawyers even proceeded to the submission of relevant documents from the Bar Association certifying the strike and the lawyers’ need to take part in it.
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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)


Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end.

The authority often chooses the subtraction from mathematics. Like when they subtract lives with bombings in the warzones of their energy-generating and geopolitical interests, like when they subtract refugees from the cityscapes, entombing them in isolated concentration camps, like they subtract the smallest crumbs of the underpaid wage slavery, beating more brutally with whips, bodies that have gotten used to rickets, like when they want to subtract everyone who defies them, by locking them up inside prisons…

In this way, every revolutionary anarchist is facing the biggest contradiction. They are fighting for freedom and yet they’re flirting with the captivity of the prison, they love life so much and yet death from the guards of authority wants to ambush them.

In these years that we are in prison, our steps have gotten used to be calculated inside the barbed wires, our eyes have learnt by heart every centimetre of these few cubic meters of the forecourt, but our minds have never been captured by the iron fences.

How can you let yourself capitulate, when you are facing on one side the provocative wealth of those in power and on the other side tearful eyes of a child at a concentration camp, on one side the mafia of the politicians, judges and journalists who are counting people like louses of the earth and on the other side men and women who are committing suicide because of the standoffs of the economic crisis, looking in garbage to find food, sleeping in the streets, on one side armies of happy slaves being dazzled from the storefronts and the screens of a fake life and on the other side the bad bevy of loneliness and silence being your only companion.
Continue reading Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)

Letter/Greeting of CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell at an event in Chile


[The following piece is a greeting from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire- Metropolitan Violence Cell at an event of the anti-authoritarian library “Las Lecheros” where a video projection of the Phoenix Project and an exposition for the book “Our day will come” has been made.]
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Comunicado del compañero Juan Flores en solidaridad con Monica, francisco y la Conspiración de Celulas del Fuego


Un saludo fraterno y en revuelta, a todxs mis kompañerxs ke resisten de manera rebelde e insurrecta el cautiverio y la kotidianidad de la sociedad civilizada.

Se me vuelve imposible no manifestarme por aquellos individuos, núcleos, organizaciones informales y afines, ke hoy enfrentan, en distintos puntos del territorio dominado, el espectáculo judicial, los tribunales teatrales y claramente la prision,  pesando sobre todxs acusaciones antiterroristas, pertenencia a organizaciones criminales y conspiraciones con fines terroristas…
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Argentina: Acciones en solidaridad con CCF, Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar


“”Aullamos, canticos guerreros herejes y antiautoritarixs pues ningún compa está solo y la manada siempre estará al asecho””
Manada, esos somos y a pesar de no conocernos físicamente, de estar distantes, con nuestros aciertos y errores, victorias y fracasos, certezas y cuestionamientos, donde quiera que estemos nos une el calor inmenso de la salvaje e indomable libertad.
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