Tag Archives: Ebba Olausson

Presidio in solidarietà con prigionier* antispecist* in Svezia (Roma)


Presidio in solidarietà con prigionier* antispecist* in Svezia

Un atto di solidarietà verso un ragazzo, Richard, che in Italia ben conosciamo per la sua presenza alle marce di protesta contro la vivisezione, e contro harlan. Il “biondino” con la bandiera della Svezia.
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Support Swedish Animal Liberation Prisoners


Three activists have been sentenced in Sweden to prison for anti-fur farm actions. Ebba was sentenced to 2-5 years in prison for animal rights actions against fur (mink) farming, Karl Häggroth received also 2-6 years in prison for the same kind of action; Richard Klinsmeister received a sentence of one year and nine months.
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NEW PRISONER: Richard Klinsmeister (ALF-sweden)


Karl Häggroth
Box 213
596 21 Skänninge

Richard Klinsmeister
Box 22113
501 14 Borås

Ebba Olausson
Box 61
651 03 Karlstad

In June 2014, Karl and Ebba were each sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison, and Richard received a sentence of one year and nine months, for actions against the fur industry.

Support website: www.facebook.com/freetheswedishARprisoners

Dos condenad@s por luchar contra la industria de las pieles animales.


Ebba fue condenada a 2,6 años por acciones por los derechos de los animales, contra la industria peletera, la crueldad máxima, en Suecia (en el estado español, no olvidemos, por la operación Trócola, hay compas a quien el fiscal pide 9 años de prisión por acciones similares… y sin pruebas; desde el 2.011 sufren la espera del juicio).
En total, son tres activistas condenad@s en Suecia a la cárcel por acciones agrícolas anti-piel.

Continue reading Dos condenad@s por luchar contra la industria de las pieles animales.



Ebba was on 07/04/2014 sentenced to prison for 2 yrs and 6 months for animal rights actions against the cruel fur industry in Sweden. Send her your support
Ebba was sentenced to 2,5 years in prison recently for animal rights actions against fur (mink) farming, actions that went under the Animal Rights Militia (ARM) banner. These actions were property damage in which NO person was injured or harmed. Animal liberation is not a crime, send letters and support to her to show solidarity. Ebba is currently still in jail, and you can write to her at this adress:

Ebba Olausson
Box 3
701 40 ÖREBRO
