Tag Archives: Il Libertario Giornale

Anarchist Individualism in the Social Revolution


Renzo Novatore (1919)


Anarchist individualism as we understand it – and I say we because a substantial handful of friends think this like me – is hostile to every school and every party, every churchly and dogmatic moral, as well as every more or less academic imbecility. Every form of discipline, rule and pedantry is repulsvie to the sincere nobility of our vagabond and rebellious restlessness!

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Renzo Novatore (1919)

Dear “Libertario”,

Twenty-two months by now are passed from the day in which the most brutal and viscid of all monsters attempted to sweep me up also between its lurid and bloody maws. Yes, even I was destined to being transformed into a humble instrument of bestial servilism; even I was destined to sacrifice myself (Oh, the sacrificial beasts) on the most stupid and grotesque altar of all the human phantoms; even I as destined to being transformed into a “piece of human material”…

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El temperamento anarquista en el vórtice de la historia


Renzo Novatore (1920)

En el anarquismo —como vida material y prácticamente vivida— hay, por encima de los dos diversos conceptos filosóficos que lo dividen en el campo de la teoría, comunista e individualista, dos instintos físicos y espirituales que sirven para distinguir dos temperamentos comunes a ambas tendencias teóricas y filosóficas.

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Lettera a Mussolini


Errico Malatesta
Caro Mussolini,
Io non ho potuto vedere finora nessun numero del Popolo d’Italia che, a quanto io sappia, a Londra non viene.
Ma un’amico mi scrive che esso, criticando la mia opinione sulla situazione attuale e sulla condotta che dovrebbero tenere i rivoluzionari, dice che io cado in contraddizione, poiché, se è vero come io penso, che la sconfitta della Germania potrebbe far scoppiare la rivoluzione in quel paese, è chiaro che il dovere dei rivoluzionari è quello di aiutare a sconfiggerla. Permettimi di rispondere.
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Renzo Novatore

While it is day we will remain
with head high and everything
that we can do we will not leave
before we have done it.
– W. Goethe

We heat our pen in the volcanic fire of our negating spirit. We dip it in our vigorous heart, full of rebellious blood. And in the atheistic light of our mind, we write and write…
So we write, quickly, without literary pursuits, without repugnant theoretical ideologies, without bigoted and sentimental mush from hysterics and political hacks, wrapped only in the cloak of our raging passions.
We write only words of blood, fire and light.

Anarchist Individualism in the Social Revolution

Samuel Bellamy

Renzo Novatore


Anarchist individualism as we understand it – and I say we because a substantial handful of friends think this like me – is hostile to every school and every party, every churchly and dogmatic moral, as well as every more or less academic imbecility. Every form of discipline, rule and pedantry is repulsvie to the sincere nobility of our vagabond and rebellious restlessness!

Individualism is, for us, creative force, immortal youth, exalting beauty, redemptive and fruitful war. It is the marvelous apotheosis of the flesh and the tragic epic of the spirit. Our logic is that of not having any. Our ideal is the categorical negation of all other ideals for the greatest and supreme triumph of the actual, real, instinctive, reckless and merry life! For us perfection is not a dream, an ideal, a riddle, a mystery, a sphinx, but a vigorous and powerful, luminous and throbbing reality. All human beings are perfect in themselves. All they lack is the heroic courage of their perfection. Since the time that human beings first believed that life was a duty, a calling, a mission, it has meant shame for their power of being, and in following phantoms, they have denied themselves and distanced themselves from the real. When Christ said to human beings: “be yourselves, perfection is in you!” he launched a superb phrase that is the supreme synthesis of life.

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Renzo Novatore – Επιστρέφοντας


Αγαπητό Libertatio

Είκοσι δύο μήνες έχουν περάσει πια από τη μέρα που το πιο κτηνώδες,το πιο γλοιώδες απ’ όλα τα τέρατα προσπάθησε να συμπαρασύρει ακόμη και μένα,μέσα στα αποκρουστικά και αιμοβόρα σαγόνια του.
Ναι ακόμη και εγώ προορισμένος να μεταμορφωθώ σε ταπεινό εργαλείο μιας αποκτηνωμένης δουλοπρέπειας,ακόμη και εγώ ήμουν προορισμένος να θυσιαστώ (αχ,τα ζώα για θυσία…) στο βωμό του ηλίθιου και αλλόκοτου απ’ όλα τα ανθρώπινα φαντάσματα,ακόμη και εγώ ήμουν προορισμένος να μεταμορφωθώ σε ένα κομμάτι απο “ανθρώπινο υλικό”…
Αλλά εγώ δεν πιστεύω στη μοίρα.
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