Tag Archives: Jacques Camatte

Jacques Camatte, Transizione

Transizione cover x sito

Il risultato del movimento totale del capitale è quello di produrre una classe universale, un proletariato immenso, proletariato nel senso di insieme di uomini che non hanno alcuna riserva e nessuna vita reale, ma la cui esistenza “normale” è uno squallido riflesso e imitazione di quelle che sono le strapotenti forme inorganiche attraverso cui il valore autonomizzato “si manifesta”. È la classe universale di cui parla Marx ne L’ideologia tedesca, di cui il Capitale fa di tutto per impedire l’unificazione (…)
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On Organization


by Jacques Camatte and Gianni Collu

From the text:

The existence of the gangs derives therefore from the tendency of capital to absorb its contradictions, from its movement of  negation and from its reproduction in a fictitious form. Capital denies, or tends to deny, the basic principles on which it erects itself; but, in reality, it revives them under a fictitious form. The gang is a clear expression of this duality.

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Against Domestication


Jacques Camatte


The time we are now living through is without doubt the most critical period capitalist society has ever known. All the features which we associate with the classic crisis now exist as a permanent state of affairs, though production itself has not been affected, except to a limited extent in certain countries. Social relations and traditional consciousness are decomposing all around us, while at the same time each institution in society proceeds to ensure its survival by recuperating the movement which opposes it.
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On Organization


From the text:

The existence of the gangs derives therefore from the tendency of capital to absorb its contradictions, from its movement of  negation and from its reproduction in a fictitious form. Capital denies, or tends to deny, the basic principles on which it erects itself; but, in reality, it revives them under a fictitious form. The gang is a clear expression of this duality.

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