Tag Archives: Nikolopoulos Michalis

The Greek December Revolt and its Current Relevance, by Michail Theodosiadis


After the victorious hunger strike of the CCF, comrade Michalis Nikolopoulos has returned from the intensive care unit to his room on the 10th floor of Evangelismos hospital where he was before. During the night of hospitalization in the ICU, where he was moved for close monitoring due to the criticality of the situation, his pulse went down to 20 beats per minute(!) and his pressure to 6. The comrade escaped the immediate danger, his moral is good and according to doctors his heart manages to stabilize although everything was hanging by a thread. Still, he will remain in the hospital for several days, so that some more medical tests are made.
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Aggiornamenti dalla Grecia




L’anarchico  Fivos Charisis(ndt:  della Rete dei prigionieri in lotta,in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo per  l’abolizione dell’articolo 187  e dell’articolo 187A , della legge sul travisamento, della legge sulle prigioni di tipo C, del rilascio del membro della 17 Novembre Savvas Xiros per ragioni di salute oltre ad altre richieste)in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo,è stato trasferito all’ospedale  Tzanio al Pireo.Il suo stato di salute risulta seriamente deteriorato,ha perso circa il 13%del peso corporeo, ed ha varie complicazioni dovute allo sciopero della fame ed alla sua storia clinica di asma bronchiale.
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Text by CCF-FAI/IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell about the proposal of Nikos Maziotis concerning the Solidarity Assembly (Greece)

Text from the comrades concerning the creation of an assembly of solidarity and action with the political prisoners.


i) C’ Type prisons – an act of war

C’ Type prisons wish to become the monument of the State’s victory against the urban guerrilla warfare. It is a bet for us, if we’re going to let a thousand tonnes of concrete, bars and locks beat the human will for freedom, a bet which is to be answered through action by the enemies of the regime and the friends of freedom.
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Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr



Tratto da



testo originale, in greco, pubblicato il 6 aprile: athens.indymedia.org

Fino a che giunga il giorno, restiamo con la testa in alto…
Continue reading Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr

Dichiarazione politica dei 9 prigionieri della CCF nel contesto del Caso Halandri (2012)


trad. tomo / cenere

i) L’“innocenza” della vittima e la “colpa” del “cacciatore”

Continue reading Dichiarazione politica dei 9 prigionieri della CCF nel contesto del Caso Halandri (2012)

The Sun Still Rises


 Fire Cells Conspiracy


Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before

— The Interior of the Absolute
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