Tag Archives: Novatore Renzo



Renzo Novatore

While it is day we will remain
with head high and everything
that we can do we will not leave
before we have done it.
– W. Goethe

We heat our pen in the volcanic fire of our negating spirit. We dip it in our vigorous heart, full of rebellious blood. And in the atheistic light of our mind, we write and write…
So we write, quickly, without literary pursuits, without repugnant theoretical ideologies, without bigoted and sentimental mush from hysterics and political hacks, wrapped only in the cloak of our raging passions.
We write only words of blood, fire and light.

Anarchist Individualism in the Social Revolution

Samuel Bellamy

Renzo Novatore


Anarchist individualism as we understand it – and I say we because a substantial handful of friends think this like me – is hostile to every school and every party, every churchly and dogmatic moral, as well as every more or less academic imbecility. Every form of discipline, rule and pedantry is repulsvie to the sincere nobility of our vagabond and rebellious restlessness!

Individualism is, for us, creative force, immortal youth, exalting beauty, redemptive and fruitful war. It is the marvelous apotheosis of the flesh and the tragic epic of the spirit. Our logic is that of not having any. Our ideal is the categorical negation of all other ideals for the greatest and supreme triumph of the actual, real, instinctive, reckless and merry life! For us perfection is not a dream, an ideal, a riddle, a mystery, a sphinx, but a vigorous and powerful, luminous and throbbing reality. All human beings are perfect in themselves. All they lack is the heroic courage of their perfection. Since the time that human beings first believed that life was a duty, a calling, a mission, it has meant shame for their power of being, and in following phantoms, they have denied themselves and distanced themselves from the real. When Christ said to human beings: “be yourselves, perfection is in you!” he launched a superb phrase that is the supreme synthesis of life.

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A Renzo Novatore


Novant’anni fa, il 29 novembre 1922, in un conflitto a fuoco con i Regi Carabinieri veniva ucciso a Teglia (Ge) l’anarchico individualista Abele Ricieri Ferrari, più noto come Renzo Novatore. Giovane iconoclasta al tempo delle proteste contro la persecuzione di Francisco Ferrer, antimilitarista condannato a morte per diserzione durante la prima guerra mondiale, ladro e rapinatore, assalitore di polveriere durante il «biennio rosso», attentatore di fascisti e dinamitardo delle loro sedi, Novatore non si rassegnò mai ad «un mondo in cui l’azione non è sorella del sogno». Autore di moltissimi testi, la sua opera ha sempre fatto storcere il naso sia ai militanti della prassi politica che ai cultori del cicisbeo letterario.
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A Life


To the friends of Nichilismo




“My youth was just a dark hurricane

passed through here and there by brilliant suns;

the lightning and the rain wreaked so much havoc,

 that few vermilion fruits were left in my garden.”

—Charles Baudelaire

    In a distant spring, gleaming with green and sun, my youthful spirit wandered gently through the divine forests of the sky. One day, a sad day in autumn, it came back to me, disconsolate, weeping. A groups of Angels with large, black wings accompanied it silently. It told me: “God is dead! The great Pan is dead!” The Sun went dark, rivers filled with mud, and plants trembled. Darkness wrapped the Earth in her funeral shroud. Then at my back I heard the satanic thunder of a hellish laugh. It was the laughter of the for whom I had waited, perhaps unaware, for so long: the Demon. He told me: “Come with me!” He brought me into the corrupt city where the true sun has never laid its kiss.
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Renzo Novatore – Il mio individualismo iconoclasta


Io ho lasciato per sempre la vita delle pianure”


E. Ibsen

1. Anche le più pure sorgenti di Vita e di Pensiero che zampillano fresche e ridenti fra le rocce solitarie delle più alte montagne per dissetare gli eletti della Natura, quando sono scoperte dai demagogici pastori dell’ibrido gregge borghese o proletario ben presto si tramutano in fetide pozzanghere laide e melmose. Oggi è la volta dell’Individualismo! Dal volgare crumiro all’idiota e ripugnante poliziotto, dal miserabile venduto alla spregevole spia, dallo schiavo vigliaccamente imbelle all’autoritario ripugnante e tiranno, parlano d’Individualismo. È la moda!

Anche i rachitici intellettualoidi del tubercoloso conservatorismo liberale, come i malati di cronica sifilide democratica, fino agli eunuchi del socialismo ed agli anemici del comunismo, tutti parlano e posano ad Individualisti!
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Mi Individualismo Iconoclasta


Renzo Novatore



Incluso los más puros manantiales de Vida y de Pensamiento que brotan frescos y reconfortantes entre las rocas solitarias de las más altas montañas para acabar con la sed de los elegidos de la Naturaleza, cuando son descubiertos por demagógicos pastores del híbrido rebaño burgués o proletario bien pronto se transforman en fétidas charcas sucias y fangosas. ¡Hoy es el retorno del Individualismo! Del vulgar esquirol al idiota y repugnante policía, del miserable vendido al despreciable espía, del esclavo cobardemente débil al autoritario repugnante y tirano, hablan de Individualismo. ¡Es la moda!

Incluso los raquíticos intelectualoides del tuberculoso conservadurismo liberal, así como los enfermos de crónica sífilis democrática, hasta los eunucos del socialismo y los anémicos del comunismo, ¡todos hablan y posan como Individualistas!

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