Tag Archives: Operation Fenix

Operation Fenix: Incendiary attack against ING Bank in solidarity with Czech anarchists and all prisoners of the system (Poland)

On the 11th of November, while fascist scum held marches throughout Poland, we decided, as anarchists, to give free rein to our hatred of the State and capitalism.

We express our support to the struggle against the oppressive apparatus on all fronts, from trade unions to direct actions.
Continue reading Operation Fenix: Incendiary attack against ING Bank in solidarity with Czech anarchists and all prisoners of the system (Poland)

Crimethink – Ex Workers’ Collective


#41: Anarchism in Belarus, Czech Republic, Korea,
and Beyond


In this episode, the Ex-Worker explores connections between anarchism, repression and resistance across the world in countries that rarely appear in the radical limelight. We share an interview with an Anarchist Black Cross chapter in Belarus, discussing the president’s recent release of anarchist political prisoners; interview a Czech anarchist about “Operation Fenix” and recent entrapment cases and terrorism charges leveled at anarchists there; and provide more context to last episode’s call to flag-burning action from South Korean anarchists by examining the historical and political contexts of the flag for Korean radicals. We also discuss the Suruc massacre and developments among Kurdish struggles in Turkey and Syria, and expand our ongoing discussion of the concept of “terrorism” through the lens of a court ruling about gangs in El Salvador. Listener thoughts on Zeitgeist, conspiracy theories, and small-town anarchism, debunking the myth of “cops under attack” since the emergence of Black Lives Matter, and an announcement of the CrimethInc. “To Change Everything” US tour top off our usual collection of global news updates, prisoner birthdays, event announcements, and more. {September 15th, 2015}

Show Notes & Links

Igor byl propuštěn z vazby // Igor was released from remand


Igor byl dnes 25.9. v dopoledních hodinách propuštěn z vazby na kauci!
Vítej zpátky!

Stále však čelí obvinění a čeká na soud. Naše podpora nekončí!

Igor was released from custody jail on September 25th morning on bail!
Welcome back!

He is still awaiting trail. Our support continues!



Charla sobre la Operación Fénix en la República Checa y cenador vegano el 18/09/2015.


Este próximo viernes 18 de septiembre a las 19:00h en el local de la CNT(C/Martínez de la Rosa, 19) os invitamos a una charla/debate sobre la mayor oleada de represión policial en República Checa contra el movimiento anarquista en la llamada “Operación Fénix” y su relación con las operaciones Pandora y Piñata en el estado español, a cargo de un compañero checo.
Continue reading Charla sobre la Operación Fénix en la República Checa y cenador vegano el 18/09/2015.