Tag Archives: Osman Evcan

Osman Evcan’la Dayanışma Gecesi


Osman Evcan girmiş olduğu son açlık grevini de zaferle sonlandırdı Devletin sistematik işkencelerine ve cezaevlerinin otoriter tutumlarına karşı Kararlılıkla direnen Osman, 45 gün süren açlık grevi direnişi ile devlete Geri adım attırdı. Cezaevi kantininde bulunmayan vegan ürünler Osman’ın direnişi ile artık cezaevi kantininde bulunmakta. Ancak Osman’ın kantinden Bu ürünleri alabilmesi için, direnişi esnasında olduğu gibi şimdi de dayayanışma içinde olmalıyız. Bu bağlamda Osman Evcan’ın cezaevi kantininden karşılayacağı ihtiyaçlarına destek olmak amacıyla Cumartesi günü saat 19:00’dan itibaren infiAl’de Osman Evcan ile dayanışma gününde buluşuyoruz.


ABC İstanbul

Turkey: Osman Evcan obtains victory on 45th day of hunger strike


Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul


Banners and broadsheets in solidarity with anarchist Osman Evcan throughout Greece

Since the 22th of February 2016, anarchist Osman Evcan who is imprisoned in Turkey, started the 3rd hunger strike in a year with the spiking demand of the vegan alignment right in prison, as well as demands regarding the custodial conditions in the high security prisons of Silivri No:6 L Type.
In order to promote the comrade’s struggle, many broadsheets have been glued and banners were dropped in Patras, Thessaloniki and Chania, as well as a poster from the «Alogomiges»(which means horsefly) collective


Immediate satisfaction of the demands of anarchist hunger striker since 22/2 Osman Evcan, who is incarcerated in Turkish prisons
Continue reading Banners and broadsheets in solidarity with anarchist Osman Evcan throughout Greece

Solidarity letter from imprisoned anarchists comrades in Greece to Osman Evcan

Solidarity to Osman Evcan from Greece
Osman Evcan, who is imprisoned in the prisons of the Turkish state from 1992 and identifies himself as a vegan anarchist since 2003, is fighting a tough struggle for the rudimentary conditions of living, like the achievement of mail, telephone communication, information etc, with the main point being the vegan alimentation right. Since the 22th of February, he is carrying his 4th hunger strike for the same reasons, in a very short period of time from the last one, as they transferred him recently in L type prisons, losing everything he had achieved till now with his former exhausting hunger strikes.
We barely know him personally, but we cannot help but feel moved by the fact that in a country-war zone, an imprisoned comrade is choosing and insisting to raise the matter of total liberation of life from the shackles of civilization and authority. An imprisoned comrade who refuses to feed himself with corpses of animals, which have been tortured by the meat industry and all the derivatives of pain, who refuses to become a cogwheel in this bloodthirsty capitalist machine which is destroying and plunders the earth.
Continue reading Solidarity letter from imprisoned anarchists comrades in Greece to Osman Evcan

Osman Evcan’la Mektup Dayanışması


Osman Evcan’a girmiş olduğu açlık grevi sürecinde, yalnız olmadığını, içeride ve dışarıda dayanışma ağını genişlettiğimizi ve otoriteye karşı vermiş olduğu mücadelede yanında olduğumuzu bir kez daha göstermek için, pazar günü saat 13:00’dan itibaren İnfial‘de Osman Evcan’a mektup göndermek için buluşuyoruz.

Adres: Turan caddesi 36/A Tarlabaşı/İstanbul 

ABC İstanbul

MARSEILLE : Atelier d’écriture et bouffe vegan en soutien à Osman Evcan !


Osman Evcan débute sa 4ème grève de la faim pour obtenir des repas vegans et protester contre ses conditions de détention.

Pour le soutenir, dimanche à partir de 14h au Kiosk un Atelier d’écriture  aux prisonnièr-es  (38 rue Clovis Hugues à la Belle mai) est organisé en solidarité, suivi d’un Knockin on vegan’s door à la Salle Gueule à 19h!

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)


Hi, I wish everyone healthy, pleasant, free lives, I send my love and greetings.

I was exiled from Kocaeli No 1 F Type prison on 05.02.2016 and taken to Silivri prison by force.

Our VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT, which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is totally usurped and destroyed in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison, which I have been exiled=transferred to. The aim of this exile=transfer was to practice the violation of right in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison. This planned scheme is put into action in this prison.
Continue reading Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

[Presxs. Turquía] Compañero vegano eco-anarquista preso Osman Evcan inicia nueva huelga de hambre



A pesar de las opresiones como el exilio, los cacheos a cuerpo desnudo, las cámaras en las celdas, las prohibiciones de cartas y visitas y el bloqueo de la comida vegana, Osman Evcan no dio un paso atrás y ha comenzado su huelga de hambre indefinida a partir del 22 de febrero de 2016. Porque el miedo, la sumisión y la obediencia, aplasta los cuerpos bajo la pesadez del poder del Estado, los esfuerzos del Estado para despersonalizar políticamente a lxs individuxs con presiones sistemáticas deben ser aplastados bajo la resistencia de Osman. No hay término medio con el Estado que establece la política de eliminación de lxs presxs con la lógica del premio/castigo. La lucha de Osman Evcan es contra la autoridad. La única manera de probar que no obedece a la autoridad, que no acepta la autoridad, es exponer su cuerpo. Sólo asesinando pueden destruir y dividir las identidades políticas, no con las prácticas carcelarias.

Llamamos a todxs a compartir la lucha de Osman Evcan, que está luchando contra el Estado, la vigilancia y el control, ya sea fuera o dentro de las jaulas. La insurrección es esencial para la libertad.

¡Fuego a las celdas!

CNA Estambul

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]