Tag Archives: PAOLA

Operación Osadía (italia)


Italia. Comunicado de Elisa (Operación Osadía) julio 2012

A todos los compañeros y las compañeras:

No me extenderé recapitulando las etapas obligadas que los siervos del poder deben respetar cuando un fiscal cualquiera les ordena arrestar a un(a) rebelde. Su deber lo realizan a la perfección por todos los medios, pero haciéndose cada vez más previsibles, banales y cualquier cosa menos originales, con una puntualidad cíclica de la represión que no intimida a ningún(a) anarquista.
Continue reading Operación Osadía (italia)

Chi teme il dire, di far non ha ARDIRE (2012) Tra ardire e armare…


È l’alba del 13 giugno 2012. I carabinieri del ROS — in combutta con la Procura di Perugia — bussano assai poco discretamente alla porta di alcune decine di anarchici, in tutta Italia, effettuando otto arresti (altri due compagni, da tempo in carcere in Svizzera e in Germania, vengono raggiunti dal medesimo provvedimento) e numerose perquisizioni in case e spazi anarchici.
Continue reading Chi teme il dire, di far non ha ARDIRE (2012) Tra ardire e armare…

Italy – Clarifications on ‘Operation Ardire’ by anarchist comrade Elisa Di Bernardo (en/it)


From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now
 On 13th June 2012, ‘Operazione Ardire’ leads to raids on dozens of homes and the arrest of 8 comrades in Italy (Katia, Sergio, Alessandro, Giuseppe, Paola, Giulia, Stefano, Elisa) and 2 abroad (Marco Camenisch and Gabriel Pombo da Silva, who have been imprisoned for 23 and 29 years respectively, the former in Switzerland and the latter in Spain). The 8 comrades are now [February 2014] out of jail even if they are still being charged with articles 280bis, 270bis and 302 (‘attack’, ‘subversive association’ and ‘instigation to committing crime’, all this with purposes of terrorism, but the specific charges are not the same for all the comrades, the only common denominator being article 270bis). Since last year two different prosecutors have been dealing with these dangerous ‘terrorists’. Masterminded by prosecutor Comodi from Perugia, the investigation was in part taken on by prosecutor Pradella from Milano.

Continue reading Italy – Clarifications on ‘Operation Ardire’ by anarchist comrade Elisa Di Bernardo (en/it)

Italie – “Opération Ardire”- CONTRE LE TERRORISME MÉDIATIQUE ET D’ÉTAT (2012)


Depuis toujours le rôle investi par les médias a été de créer et gérer l’opinion publique. Créer avec attention l’information de masse sur la base de choix précis en ce qui concerne la typologie, les temps et la qualité des nouvelles divulguées.
Continue reading Italie – “Opération Ardire”- CONTRE LE TERRORISME MÉDIATIQUE ET D’ÉTAT (2012)