Tag Archives: Ravachol

A Narrative



“Among the papers left by Ravachol is found the story of the violation of the grave of Mme la baronne de Rochetaillé. Someone who momentarily had it in his possession having sent it to us, we reproduce it in its entirety, respecting the spelling and grammar. The story is written with a cold and tranquil cynicism, which will inspire in readers the same horror we ourselves felt.”
Le Gaulois July 13, 1892
…being without work I set myself to making false money, a means not very lucratif and but dangerous, so I soon abbandonned it. I learnd that there was a baroness named de Rochetaillé who had bin buried not to long before. I thought she must have some jewls on her, so I resolved to break into the toomb.
One day I got myself a hooded lamp and a jimmy and I set out.
I left home at 9:00 at night. Along the way I went into a bakery with the intenshun of paying the owner with a two frank piece in exchange for a loaf of bred, but he reconized that it was false. I pretended not to no this and continued along my way. Further along I went into a café and asked for a drink to take with me and I managed to give the owner a two frank piece. Further along I went again to a baker, I asked for a small loaf, I gave him a two frank piece and went on my way.
I got to the cematary at 11:00. Before going in I ate my bred and drank some wine, and climb the wall and head for the grave that I attentively inspect.
So using my jimmy I lifted the toombstone and I entered the toomb; seeing the name I was looking for on a marble stone I set myself to unsealing it with the jimmy. So that the stone shouldn’t fall on me I went into an empty compartment beside it. In falling the stone made a great noise and it broke into many pieces.
I quickly went back up to see if anyone was passing by. Not seeing anything suspishus, I went back down. I broke the 3 or 4 circles that closed the coffin. It wasn’t easy to do this.
Afterward I tried to fit my jimmy into a joint in the coffin and was able to do so. I bust open the planks by pressing on them, but there was a layer of led wrapped around the corpse. I banged on it with the point of the jimmy and managed to make an opening big enough to take out the arm to see her left hand. I had to take out several small pakages which I didn’t know what they contained. Once her left arm was out I pulled it too me and looked attentively at the fingers which was covered with mold. I didn’t find what I was looking for. I looked at the throat and didn’t see nothing there neither, and since my lamp didn’t light anymore since it had no more oil, in order to finish my operation I set on fire a wreath of flowers I’d found in a chapel over the fault. It spred a thick smoke while I was burning which caused me to go back up quickly if I didn’t want to asfixiate.
When I opened the coffin I had only one fear and that was that a large escaping of asfixiating gas would take place, but because I was in a hurry do to a certain need I didn’t hesitate because its preferable to die risking yourself than succumming to hunger.
Once I climbed up I put the toombstone back in place and I started back home but on leaving I saw about a hundred meters away two men coming across the fields who seemed to want to cut me off in order to stop me.
I put my hand on my revolver and slowed down a little. They passed in front of me not saying anything. Later on on the rue da la monta I meet a man who at about a hundred meters who asked the way to the Chateau Creux. I didn’t clearly understand him and he came up to me and repeated the question. I told him to follow me, that I passed write by it. He said to me that I was wearing a fake beard on my face which made me smile since I thought I had nothing to fear from this man who was all alone.
This happened on the rue de la monta. Coming up on the station I showed him the way and continued on mine. I went back home.

Notes: We have three autobiographical texts by Ravachol dating from his time in prison just prior to his execution July 11, 1892. The first was the text dictated to the police, “My Principles”; the second is a longer fragment about his youth, political development and criminal life; and the last an account of his most notorious crime, his attempt at grave-robbing. Supposedly written in his own hand, complete with grammatical and spelling mistakes, it appeared in a Parisian paper two days after Ravachol’s death. Source: Ravachol. Un saint nous est né, edited by Philippe Oriol. L’équipement de la pensée, Paris. 1992;

Translated: for marxists.org by Mitch Abidor; CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2006.
Source: Un saint nous est né, edited by Philippe Oriol.


The Anarchist Defense of Louis Léveillé


Louis Léveillé

The Anarchist Defense of Louis Léveillé
in “L’Anarchie en cour d’assises” by Sébastien Faure, 1891
[On May 1, 1891, after a Labor Day demonstration, police attacked protestors in Clichy. A violent battle ensued and gunfire was exchanged. Three anarchists were arrested. Henri Louis Decamps was sentenced to five years in prison, Charles Auguste Dardare to three and Louis Léveillé (who was wounded in the fight) was acquitted. Ravachol would later take revenge for the injustice in March the following year.]
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About ‘’ANTI-JUDICIAL ANARCHISM’’, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More.


Here i san english translation o fan article fron the journal ‘’Conspiracion Acrata’’ from Mexico, referring to the idea of ‘’Antigiuridismo Anarchico’’
‘’Antigiuridismo Anarchico’’ which translates to ‘’Anti-Judicial Anartchism’’ is a concept which has been used throughout anarchism history to define the attitude of a radical and total rejection of the concept and practice of the ‘’justice’’ of the State, or as otherwise said – the judicial methods of the State including defence through a lawyer. This attitude or concept is or should be something normal within the anarchist movement but there are few companer@s who have put it into practice for diverse reasons or stretegies.
Continue reading About ‘’ANTI-JUDICIAL ANARCHISM’’, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More.

Mes principes


Par Ravachol (30 mars 1892)

Cela ne m’étonne pas, répondit-il. La classe ouvrière, qui comme vous est obligée de travailler pour se procurer du pain, n’a pas le temps de s’adonner à la lecture des brochures que l’on met à sa portée ; il en est de même pour vous.


L’anarchie, c’est l’anéantissement de la propriété. Il existe actuellement bien des choses inutiles, bien des occupations qui le sont aussi, par exemple, la comptabilité. Avec l’anarchie, plus besoin d’argent, plus besoin de tenue de livres et d’autres emplois en dérivant.
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RAVACHOL, Le mie impressioni sulla Corte di Assise della Loira, sedute del 22 e 23 giugno 1892


Trovo questa messa in scena caotica e ridicola. Perché tutti quegli uomini che devono prendere una parte attiva al dibattito si parano, gli uni con toghe rosse, gli altri con toghe nere piene di fronzoli? È forse per parlare con i pregiudicati e lasciar credere che il travestimento rende più intelligenti o più temibili?
Continue reading RAVACHOL, Le mie impressioni sulla Corte di Assise della Loira, sedute del 22 e 23 giugno 1892

1982 – 1984: La Epidemia Terrorista. Emile Henry – Ravachol.





    ¿Qué nos hace sentir hermanados a Mauricio Morales, compañero que cayó mientras transportaba un artefacto explosivo al cuartel de carabineros de Chile?, ¿y a Simón Radowitsky o Angiolillo?
¿Y a los no conocidos que han despreciado y desprecian al poder?
¿Qué nos hace sentir hermanados a los miles que sin acciones espectaculares rasguñan, rompen o fuerzan las cadenas?
Continue reading 1982 – 1984: La Epidemia Terrorista. Emile Henry – Ravachol.

Déclaration de Ravachol à son procès ( 21 juin 1892) (fr/en/it/ru/sh/nl)


François Claudius Kœnigstein, dit Ravachol (Ravachol, un de ses surnoms, est le nom de sa mère) est né le 14 octobre 1859 à Saint-Chamond (Loire, France). Miséreux, il était devenu anarchiste en pensant que l’origine de la misère et des inégalités sociales se trouve dans les fondements mêmes de la société capitaliste et hiérarchisée. Le refus de son sort le conduisit à voler les riches, d’abord sans violence, puis avec assassinat. Révolté par l’injustice de condamnations à l’encontre de militants anarchistes, il dynamite en mars 1892 le domicile de leur juge, puis de son substitut. Mais, reconnu dans un café à Paris, il est arrêté quelques jours après ces deux coups d’éclat. Il est condamné au bagne à perpétuité, pour ses attentats, le 26 avril 1892 ; puis le 21 juin suivant, il est condamné à la guillotine pour meurtres. Le 11 juillet 1892 à Montbrison, la célèbre machine à tuer lui tranche le cou.

Le texte suivant a été écrit par Ravachol pour être prononcé lors de son procès, le 21 juin 1892. Cela lui a semble-t-il été interdit. Voici ce que rapporte Emile Pouget dans un article intitulé “Ravachol” paru dans Le Père Peinard n°172 du 3-10 juillet 1892 : « Ravachol avait une sacrée envie de coller son grain de sel dans la défense, non pour se défendre, mais pour s’expliquer. Y a pas eu mèche, nom de dieu ! A la quatrième parole, le chef du comptoir lui a coupé le sifflet. Sa déclaration n’est pas perdue, nom d’une pipe ! ».

Intro de Zanzara athée, janvier 2004.
Continue reading Déclaration de Ravachol à son procès ( 21 juin 1892) (fr/en/it/ru/sh/nl)

Dichiarazione di Ravachol davanti ai giudici (it/en/fr)



Se prendo la parola, non è per difendermi degli atti di cui mi si accusa, poiché solo la società che, con la sua organizzazione, mette gli uomini in continua lotta gli uni contro gli altri, è responsabile. E, in effetti, non vediamo in tutte le classi, in tutti gli ambienti, delle persone che desiderano, non dico la morte, poiché suonerebbe male all’orecchio, ma la disgrazia dei loro simili se questa può procurare loro dei vantaggi?
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