Tag Archives: Sean Swain

The Final Straw: Dan Berger on “The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States”


Streaming at AshevilleFM from 3AM EST on Monday, 04/28/2014 for a week, then podcasting later at radio4all.net and airing onKOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, and KXCF in Marshall, CA.
Continue reading The Final Straw: Dan Berger on “The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States”

Sean Swain, Blackjack & The Army of the 12 Monkeys

Sean Swain monkeys

This week’s show is about the case of two prisoners in Ohio. In 2011, the staff at Mansfield Correctional Institution (MANCI) became aware of a nascent guerilla sabotage movement starting among prisoners called the Army of the 12 Monkeys (A12M). A12M sabotage and organizing manual and propaganda began circulating among prisoners.
Continue reading Sean Swain, Blackjack & The Army of the 12 Monkeys

[Estados Unidos] “Una visión del futuro: Donde todos los Roberto Adinolfi cojean”, del preso anarquista Sean Swain


En mayo de 2012, Roberto Adinolfi dirigía Ansaldo Nucleare, que construye centrales nucleares en toda Europa, incluida una en Kroko, Eslovenia, y Cernadova, Rumanía. Adinolfi tenía poder, dinero, prestigio e influencia. Para él, el sufrimiento y la muerte de Fukushima, Japón, no han sido ni lejanamente tan reales como su espaciosa y climatizada oficina o su lujosa casa de Génova o sus trajes caros.
Continue reading [Estados Unidos] “Una visión del futuro: Donde todos los Roberto Adinolfi cojean”, del preso anarquista Sean Swain

Stati Uniti d’America, Una visione del futuro: Dove tutti i Roberto Adinolfi camminano con le stampelle



Tornando al Maggio 2012, Roberto Adinolfi era a capo di Ansaldo Nucleare, che costruisce centrali nucleari in tutta l’Europa, inclusa una a Kroko, Slovenia, e Cernadova, Romania. Adinolfi ha potere, soldi, prestigio e influenza. Per lui, le sofferenze e le morti a Fukushima, Giappone, non sono state neanche lontanamente vicine quanto l’ufficio con il climatizzatore o la sua lussuosa casa a Genova o i suoi abiti costosi.
Continue reading Stati Uniti d’America, Una visione del futuro: Dove tutti i Roberto Adinolfi camminano con le stampelle

‘A Vision of the Future: Where All the Roberto Adinolfis Walk With a Limp’ by Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner (USA)


By Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner

Back in May 2012, Roberto Adinolfi managed Ansaldo Nucleare, constructing nuclear power plants all over Europe, including the one in Kroko, Slovenia, and Cernadova, Romania. Adinolfi had power, money, prestige, and influence. To him, the suffering and death in Fukushima, Japan wasn’t nearly as real as his spacious, air-conditioned office or his luxurious Genoa home or his expensive suits.
Continue reading ‘A Vision of the Future: Where All the Roberto Adinolfis Walk With a Limp’ by Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner (USA)