Tag Archives: Vanzetti Bartolomeo

Carta de Vanzetti a los trabajadores Argentinos.


Cárcel de Dedham, Massachusetts, 1927.
Nosotros deseamos decir a los compañeros, a los amigos, al pueblo argentino, que sabemos cuán grande, sublime y heroica es su solidaridad hacia nosotros.
Sabemos que habéis dado el pan y el reposo vuestro, vuestra sangre y vuestra libertad por nosotros. Sabemos que hubo quien dió su vida por nosotros.

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Nameless in the crowd of nameless ones


Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Some thoughts on The Story of A Proletarian Life

I can’t remember when I first read “The Story of A Proletarian Life.” I just know that one edition or another has been in and around my life for a long time. I read it most years, and usually I find myself reading it in a different way from the time before. Sometimes I read it as the voice of the immigrant experience and am moved by the image of Vanzetti, alone in the Battery, trying to make sense of where he was and realizing his essential loneliness and alienation from all that he saw around him. His portrayal of the exhausting search for work and the seeking out of fellow country people for help and support is both grim and poignant reading and one can understand how the acts of kindness he receives begin to drive and shape his philosophy of life. His experience (and the experience of many others, I would guess) reflected the experiences of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman who, although rebels of a kind in their home country, were made anarchists by the conditions and situations they encountered after in America.
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The Story of a Proletarian Life


Bartolomeo Vanzetti

The case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti has attracted world-wide attention. Yet very few of our people, except those immediately associated with the case, are at all familiar with the personalities of the two men whose fate has aroused this strong international interest.
It has been my privilege to know Vanzetti personally, and I have been struck by his simple-heartedness and sincerity. The belief in his innocence, widely held among those who followed the trials, is strengthened upon personal acquaintance. Though he has been living for more than three years under the shadow of a death sentence, he has maintained an equable temper and keen interest in world affairs, and his thirst for knowledge is unabated. Each inmate of the Massachusetts State prison at Charlestown has to do daily an amount of piece-work that is supposed to take eight hours; but Vanzetti, by extra diligence, gets through his task ahead of time, and uses the extra leisure to study English literature.
Vanzetti’s autobiography is here presented in pamphlet form for the first time. It is a remarkable human document. Let the reader consider it with an open mind, and judge for himself whether it indicates a character of the criminal type.
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Sacco y Vanzetti… a 87 años de su ejecución, con la memoria anárquica intacta


“El enemigo nos quiere muertos y nos tendrá muertos para defender el privilegio y la tiranía, para humillaros, para acobardaos, para venceros, destruiros y encadenar los pueblos al carro de su esclavitud (…) Y este mismo enemigo, clava sus inmundos tentáculos en la carne de todos los pueblos de la Tierra, prepara el más grande militarismo del mundo y se apresta a esclavizar la entera humanidad. Hay que aplastarle la cabeza..”. Bartolomeo Vanzetti

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Θυμηθείτε τους Σάκο και Βαντσέτι!


Η 23η Αυγούστου είναι η ημέρα που το κράτος των Η.Π.Α δολοφόνησε δύο αναρχικούς Ιταλούς μετανάστες: τους Σάκο και Βαντσέτι. Το ότι δεν είχαν καμία σχέση με το έγκλημα για το οποίο τους κατηγόρησαν δεν είχε καμιά σημασία· το μόνο που είχε σημασία ήταν η αναρχική τους ιδεολογία και δράση.

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