Tag Archives: Venomous Butterfly Publications

“Les buts de la révolution anarchiste”, par Wolfi Landstreicher


[Cet article, publié en anglais dans le journal anarchiste insurrectionnaliste américain Wilful Disobedience au début des années 2000, a été écrit par son principal auteur Wolfi Landstreicher. Si son propos peut paraitre court, voir synthétique, il pose la question de l’opposition traditionnelle entre individu et communauté d’une manière assez inédite, à la manière d’un Malatesta (même si ce dernier se définissait plus ouvertement anarchiste-communiste) et romps avec les clivages traditionnels encore prégnants qui traversent les mouvements anarchistes et anti-autoritaires.]  
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An Immense, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud Crime


Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred

by Wolfi Landstreicher

“In crime the egoist has hitherto asserted himself and mocked at the sacred; the break with the sacred, or rather of the sacred, may become general. A revolution never returns, but an immense, reckless, shameless, conscienceless, proud—crime, doesn’t it rumble in the distant thunder, and don’t you see how the sky grows ominously silent and gloomy?”—Max Stirner

    I am speaking in words of things that words can only point to.
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Futurist AtTACK (Anti-Tech Anti-Civ Kooks) Manifestoes


Feral Faun

Futurist AtTACK is an ironic yet sincere non-organization of the schiz-fluctuations of many me’s. Like the Futurists, we launch an attack on the past, but, recognizing the limits of their attack, we steal their name not to honor them–they too are dead weight from the past and always were–but in ironic mockery of their limited attack, and also to distinguish ourselves from the misty-eyed, nostalgic primitivist anti-tech, anti-civ kooks who long for a return to some imagined golden age of the past rather than striving to become creators of new and as yet unimagined galaxies of living….
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