Os governos do mundo som umha verdadeira caixa de sorpresas no que respeita à criminalizaçom do povo em luita. Neste caso, o goveno turco “supera os límites do crível e da lógica” levando a juízo a 35 siareiros dumha equipa de futebol por estar envolvidos nos protestos em massa do ano passado, e acusa-los de Golpe de Estado. Colamos o correo enviado pola ANA:
Trinta e cinco integrantes da torcida organizada Çarsi – poderosa organizaçom de siareiros do Besiktas de Istambul, de marcante perfil político militante – foram a julgamento nesta terça-feira (16), em Istambul, acusados de tentarem realizar um golpe de Estado durante as manifestaçons em massa do ano passado no Parque Gezi. Os promotores querem a pena de prisom perpétua para todos os réus.
This is a video made by activists of the antifascist social center Distomo, which was inaugurated a month ago in Agios Pandeleimonas, a neighborhood in the center of Athens with a strong presence of migrants, and where there’ve been raids, assaults and murders committed by the fascists and nazis of Golden Dawn and the police.
People coming from anarchist and antifascist experiences decided to open up an antifascist space, Distomo, in Ag. Panteleimonas. The name of the place is a homage to the dead of Distomou, massacred by nazi troops on 10th June 1944.
Here is a testimony of the time: ‘In Distomo a massacre begun. Old people, women and school children (in the hall of the school) and a priest were indiscriminately murdered. Young women were found cut up with swords and knives from womb to chest.
Other women were found with their breasts cut, and with children in their arms. Children were also killed and their guts wrapped around their necks. The priest was beheaded, and his body thrown away from the head. The death toll was 296, without including the injured and the few survivors who lost their minds.’
Oggi a Roma un numeroso gruppo di solidali No Tav ha voluto inviare un concreto messaggio di solidarietà nei confronti di Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Niccolò, che nella giornata di mercoledì 17 si vedranno giudicati in primo grado al Tribunale di Torino con l’accusa di terrorismo, per la ben nota vicenda del danneggiamento del compressore del cantiere di Chiomonte.
Alle dodici e trenta di oggi al Pala Giustizia di Torino si è aperto il processo a carico di Luca Abbà e della moglie Emanuela Favale, “colpevoli” di aver tagliato le reti nel corso della marcia avvenuta lo scorso 29 settembre 2012. Continue reading Udienza di Luca e Emanuela: le dichiarazioni spontanee→
Video- Front line view of the riots in solidarity to anarchist Nikos Romanos (2/12)
All for everything!
For as long as we live and breathe, long live anarchy!
To the streets of wrath on the 6th of December!
My thoughts will be wandering through the familiar streets.
It’s worth it to live for a dream, even if its fire is to burn you.
And as we often say: Strength.
A unos días de cumplirse su detención después de una marcha en contra del alza al precio del boleto de metro, en donde se quemó el árbol de navidad propiedad de la multinacional Coca-Cola, le fue dictada sentencia condenatoria al compañero Fernando Bárcenas Castillo de 5 años 9 meses por el delito de ataques a la paz pública, por lo que no alcanza fianza.
En momentos en que el Estado mexicano está agudizando sus métodos represivos, sin duda la sentencia a Fernando busca mandar un mensaje para inhibir las crecientes muestras de descontento. Es por ello que es de suma importancia seguir luchando por la libertad de nuestros compañeros presos, no dejarles en el olvido.
While police evicted an occupied house in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district in the early morning, activists started a passive resistance, calling for action outside the house tonight.
While police evicted Caferağa Neighborhood House, an occupied house in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district, in the early morning, activists started a passive resistance, calling for action outside the house tonight.