Tag Archives: video

#OpTestet: Anonymous defaccia 4 siti di ditte francesi. Salut à toi Rèmi


Nella giornata di ieri Anonymous ha hackerato e defacciato diversi siti di società e ditte coinvolte nella costruzione della mega-diga, il cui progetto comporterà la distruzione di un’intera zona naturale del sud della Francia. Attraverso la denominata “Operazione Testet”, sono stati così attaccati i siti http://cfg.asso.fr, http://afitex.com/en/home, http://geotech-fr.org e http://cfms-sols.org, rimasti fuori uso per qualche ora. E’ stato inoltre diffuso un video in lingua francese, attraverso il quale Anonymous dà a conoscere le motivazioni di questi attacchi. Sabato infatti, un ragazzo di 21 anni è morto ucciso da una granata stordente lanciata dalla polizia durante le cariche dirette ai manifestanti. Oltre le numerose manifestazioni che si sono tenute nei giorni successivi, l’azione di Anonymous ha voluto ulteriormente chiamare all’attenzione il gravissimo episodio di sabato che è costato la vita a Rèmi, oltre a portare solidarietà alla lotta della Zad.

Qui sotto il video diffuso nella giornata di ieri:


France: Protester killed in clashes with police at the ZAD of Testet (en/es/it/fr)


Background info on the struggle against the dam in Testet: 1, 2

According to a statement from squatters in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, during the night between Saturday and Sunday the 26th of October 2014 a protester named Remi was killed in clashes that broke out after a rally against the construction of a dam along the Sivens forest in the wetland of Testet in the Tarn department (southern France).
Continue reading France: Protester killed in clashes with police at the ZAD of Testet (en/es/it/fr)

[CONCE] “Trafkintu Kimun” Festival por la lucha y resistencia Mapuche


Invitamos a toda la gente de concepción y alrededores a participar del primer festival organizado por nuestro lof (comunidad).
La idea de este encuentro político social nace de una necesidad de poder dar a conocer la situación en la cual se encuentran la cultura y las demandas políticas de nuestro pueblo, del mismo modo queremos aportar a la construcción de una instancia en donde tanto las ideas mapuche como chilenas converjan en una instancia de poder ser capases de discutir, compartir y proyectar trabajos futuros como organizaciones políticas y sociales.

Continue reading [CONCE] “Trafkintu Kimun” Festival por la lucha y resistencia Mapuche

The Hague (Netherlands): Call-out for international solidarity with social centre De Vloek (en/es)


The city government of The Hague wants to evict social center De Vloek on January 5, 2015 to make room for a sailing center. Located in the harbor of Scheveningen, De Vloek was squatted 12.5 years ago and meanwhile has grown to be an essential social space in the harbor. There is already enough space for sport sailing in the harbor, but De Vloek must nevertheless move aside for the latest prestigious real estate project which nobody is looking forward to.
Continue reading The Hague (Netherlands): Call-out for international solidarity with social centre De Vloek (en/es)

Syrena means struggle! Warsaw


On September 17th 2014 our house in Wilcza Street 30 in Warsaw will be put on auction. On September 15th the court bailiff planned a viewing of the premises for potential buyers. Subject to auction are half the shares of the reprivatised estate, which the bailiff obtained from its former indebted owners, Krzysztof and Joanna Podsiadło. These persons simply did not pay after formally purchasing the house, however in the period of their ownership years-longed tennants were evicted and the condition of the house deteriorated. It is a case typical of the history of reprivatisation – the procedure of transferring of community-owned houses to private cleaners. Though investors promise ‚revitalisation’, their part is most often limited to speculation, eviction of the inhabitants, and selling off to further investors.
Continue reading Syrena means struggle! Warsaw