Tag Archives: video

Makassar, Indonesia: Update about the battle for the squatted district of Pandang Raya + videos


Updates: On the poster written about Pandang Raya inhabitants who are now living in the shelter, they need help. It can be read on the poster. The slogan said “Pandang Raya Haven’t Lost!” They need donation such as money, medicines, clothes, bed, etc. Contact person is written on the poster.


This is the link of previous battle years ago:

Continue reading Makassar, Indonesia: Update about the battle for the squatted district of Pandang Raya + videos

L’occupazione della foresta di Hambach contro le miniere di carbone


Con questo post diamo avvio alla categoria del blog “La terra trama..”, in cui si parlerà di nocività e devastazioni ambientali, dei territori dove il Dominio vuole allungare i propri tentacoli mortiferi e delle lotte portate avanti da chi si oppone a questo modo di concepire l’esistente che non rispetta ma sfrutta a proprio uso e consumo (e profitto) la vita, le risorse e l’armonia degli esseri viventi, vegetali ed animali, umani e non.
Continue reading L’occupazione della foresta di Hambach contro le miniere di carbone




reported by Polish activists (translation):

“More than 80 foxes rescued from a fur farm

The animals have escaped a cruel death, which inevitably would have awaited them at the hands of the farmer.

If not you, who?
If not now, when?

Take matters into your own hands!”

“Z fermy futerkowej uratowano ponad 80 lisów

Zwierzęta uniknęły w ten sposób okrutnej śmierci, która niechybnie czekałaby je z rąk hodowcy.

Jeśli nie Ty, to kto?
Jeśli nie teraz, to kiedy?

Weź sprawy w swoje ręce!”