Gabriel Pombo da Silva: Rome and the Individual


This text by anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva is about his interrogation by Italian police who came to Germany to demand information about the FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), an subversive anarchist network who have been responsible for attacks against various targets within Italy. Gabriel is accused of being a “leader” of some kind, this move against Gabriel betrays the kind of ignorance which is endemic within police forces around the globe. Anarchists neither want nor need leaders of any kind – For the spreading of the struggle appropriate to the means available!

Dear comrades,

As you already know, sometime ago an article appeared on the italian newspaper “La Stampa”, where i have been accused of being the ” ideologue” of FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), the “red thread” linked to the last ” attacks” happened in Italy, to “preach” an “extremely individualistic” anarchism and so on.

Surely, i was aware of the fact that behind that “article’s” elaboration there have been a few cops (the “journalists” have been nothing more than “instruments” in the hands of the secret services) animated by evil intentions.

On the past 8th of October they showed up here, in the prison of Aachen, a magistrate of Turin’s Public Prosecution Office, Turin’s Police Chief and two Carabinieri (from Digos – branch of Italian political police – and ROS – Carabinieri’s special commandos)…There have been as well two German magistrates, Aachen’s Police Chief and two high-in-ranks functionaries of the german police (from BKA – Federal Criminal Police Office – and LKA – State Office of Criminal Investigation), who all came in order to interrogate me…

As i had suspected, the questions turned around the FAI (Informal), about a few letters and texts i had written as much as about a few of my comrades…

Obviously, i listened what they wanted to know from me and i answered what i felt i wanted to answer about, keeping clear in mind that each word given in the hands of such subjects represents a double-edged weapon…

I am very aware of the fact that the ongoing investigation against myself (as much as against all the ones, who are close to me) serves only towards the construction of a judicial, newspaper and police stunt, aimed to intimidate the positions-individuals and groups belonging to the revolutionary and solidarious anarchism.

However, in this case they are losing their time and money of the ” honest tax-payers”, since at my age (and after all the things i have lived) such things makes me only laughing with scorn.

For a moment, i thought that the “honest society” which represents the Italian State wanted to interrogate me about the homicides undertaken against my friends inside the infamous FIES sections, but almost immediately i realized that the ones who also have similar sections (41bis, 270 and so on…) and, on top of that, the life sentence, can not carry the intention of investigating about such things (Rome does not pay traitors…)

The ones who, like these ones, dedicated themselves to follow each step and person who took part in organizing the previous Italian edition of the book “Huye, hombre, huye” by Xose Tarrio, included his mother, does not deserve any respect…

Not even mentioning the fact that such Unpresentables have done during the G8 in Genoa, against the revolutionary movement and not only…

Well…you have me in here…you can conduct me in chains (as it has been in the past during the war against the “Gallics”, in ” Vincentorix”) to Rome, in order to present me as a trophy to the Italian “honest citizens” (do not have any fear that the Spanish authorities might intervene in my favor)…Here we have a “visible face”, a rebel voice of those “dreadful insurrectionists” who extort us money through the taxes, who drop bombs on entire populations, who pervert our children through indecent propaganda, who torture, kill and rape, and, and, and…!!!

As you can see, i do not act “in secret”, i do not hide, neither i feel impressed by your Legions of payed braggarts…i repeat it: You have me in here!

This all for now…

To the comrades, an anarchist hug


Aachen, October 2008