A while ago, in an issue of Umanitá Nova, there was a debate between comrades Enzo Martucci and Malatesta. They topic was individualism. The one who is writing this understands anarchism from an individualistic perspective and is therefore jumping in.
Continue reading My Anarchism by Armando Diluvi
Monthly Archives: October 2013
Marco Camenisch sulla sua non liberazione dopo 2/3 della pena (2012)
Tanto di cappello☺ Street-, Night- & Dayfighters, amiche, amici, compas,
Continue reading Marco Camenisch sulla sua non liberazione dopo 2/3 della pena (2012)
Affiche : Les néons des villes ne font qu’éclairer notre colère (fr/it/es) 2013
On voudrait nous faire croire que la ville c’est le progrès, mais le progrès ne nous détruit jamais aussi profondément que lorsqu’il construit. Les villes dans lesquelles nous vivons sont à l’image de nos vies civilisées : ennuyeuses, froides et vidées de sens, écrasantes par leur taille, étouffantes par leur manque d’air.
Continue reading Affiche : Les néons des villes ne font qu’éclairer notre colère (fr/it/es) 2013
Italy: Letter from prison by Alfredo Cospito four years since Mauri’s death – 2013 (en/es)
from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:
When I read the news of Mauri’s death, the accidental explosion of the device he was carrying, it was a blow to the heart, even if I didn’t know him, even if I never saw him, I instinctively perceived that he traveled the same path as me. In the days that followed, the actions, the confrontations, the eviction of the place where he lived, the rage-filled funeral.
Continue reading Italy: Letter from prison by Alfredo Cospito four years since Mauri’s death – 2013 (en/es)
IL PROLETARIO Giornale Anarchico 1922 (Gratis Edizioni)
–scarica PDF
Mostrando los dientes ante la Infamia. (2011)
Memoria dal Sottosuolo
Marco Camenisch – Manifesti solidali
Abrazando el Caos Revista Anarquista Nro : 7 . Bsas Arg (6/5/4/3/2/1) 2012/2011
“Abbasso gli eserciti” – opuscolo antimilitarista
E’ uscito “Abbasso gli eserciti” – opuscolo antimilitarista a cura del Circolo Anarchico di Lecce [Ed. Masetti]
Scarica l’opuscolo in .pdf