Long-term political prisoner John Bowden’s Recent Parole Hearing (UK)


via a comrade of Brighton ABC:


On November 6th the Parole Board for England and Wales carried out it’s statutory obligation to review my continued detention after more than three decades in prison and many years beyond what the judiciary originally recommended I should serve in jail. Following an earlier parole hearing in May 2011 the board had recommended my transfer to an open prison in preparation for my release 12 months hence. Almost three years later I remain in a maximum-security prison because of what the prison system and a criminal justice system social worker claim is my politicised anti-authoritarian attitude and “rigid belief system” that is antipathetic to my being properly supervised outside a custodial setting. No one who gave evidence at the parole hearing, even representatives of the prison system, claimed that I represented any sort of threat or risk to the community, the usual reason or criterion for the continued detention of a life sentence prisoner beyond what the judiciary had originally recommended as the appropriate length of time they should serve in jail.
Continue reading Long-term political prisoner John Bowden’s Recent Parole Hearing (UK)

Surt Argelaga nº 3, revista antidesarrollista i llibertaria



El crecimiento económico descansa en la mundialización de las finanzas y en la mercantilización del espacio público o común, incluida la de sus usos antaño libres. El territorio, como soporte de grandes infraestructuras (y también como segunda residencia, espacio lúdico, paisaje, reserva, vertedero, plataforma logística, fuente de producción de energía…) se convierte en pieza clave de la mercantilización total.
Continue reading Surt Argelaga nº 3, revista antidesarrollista i llibertaria

México: Trasladan a Mario González a un hospital


22 de noviembre de 2013: Lxs familiares y la abogada de Mario González informan que hace unas horas el compañero Mario fue trasladado en Hospital de Tepepan en contra de su voluntad.

Recordemos que el día de hoy Mario cumple 44 días en huelga de hambre.

Por el momento no tenemos más información sobre su estado de salud. Llamamos nuevamente a mostrar nuestra solidaridad con Mario y su lucha.

¡Mario no está solo!
¡Libertad a todxs!

Cruz Negra Anarquista México.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicC.N.A. MÉXICO

Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin (Russia)


Denis Levkin has been imprisoned since February 2013. He was detained when the police stormed the squatted warehouse near the former Varshavsky Station in St Petersburg, Russia, and charged under article 318 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for health or life against an officer). St Petersburg anarchists have taken an active part in occupation and defence of the warehouse, and the St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross cannot ignore the trial in Levkin’s case, which is now under way.
Continue reading Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin (Russia)

Greek prisons: Anarchist prisoner Rami Syrianos went on hunger strike in solidarity with Spyros Stratoulis, prisoner on hunger strike since 11/11


On November 11th, 2013 brother Spyros Stratoulis started a hunger strike demanding an end of his prosecution for the case dubbed ‘Criminal Organization Hangouts of Thessaloniki’.

At this point, I could write who Spyros is, I could write about his fighting days throughout two decades of incarceration, his indomitable spirit, his integrity and humanity in spite of all brutalization efforts at the democratic prison cells, but all these would only capture a fragment of the reasons why I call this human a comrade and a brother. To be able to transmit the essence, I should be able to find words which can concretely express a period of more than one year that we spent closely together in the prison of Larissa; words which can illustrate the concentrated experience of being with another human twenty-four hours a day; of sharing every moment, every joy, every sorrow, every difficulty, every hope; thoughts, concerns, and dreams. I should be able to find words which can express in a concise manner the unique significance of being able, within the personalized space and time of prison, to say: I am not alone.

On November 11th, Spyros began hunger strike. Today, November 21st, is the tenth day of his struggle.

From today, I also go on hunger strike as an act of solidarity toward Spyros; as an act that reflects nothing less than what this human really deserves, and corresponds to the experiences we shared and continue to share even though we’re locked up in different places now.

For solidarity is to call another human a comrade, and by that meaning to say: together through good times, together through struggles, together in tough times, till the end.

Brother, keep the good moments, take courage, and advance onward…

Till victory.

Rami Syrianos
Domokos prison



Prigioni greche: Sciopero della fame del prigionero anarchico Rami Syrianos, in solidarietà con lo scioperante della fame Spyros Stratoulis, detenuto a Larissa

L’11 novembre 2013 il fratello Spyros Stratoulis ha iniziato uno sciopero della fame chiedendo la fine delle sue accuse riguardanti il caso “organizzazione criminale squat di Salonicco”.

A questo punto potrei scrivere chi è Spyros, parlare delle sue lotte quotidiane in venti anni di carcere, del suo spirito indomabile, della sua integrità e umanità nonostante tutte le brutalità delle celle democratiche, ma tutto ciò catturerebbe solo un frammento dei motivi per i quali definisco questo umano come compagno e fratello. Per essere capaci di trasmettere l’essenza, dovrei trovare le parole che concretamente possono esprimere il periodo lungo più di un anno che abbiamo passato insieme nel carcere di Larissa; parole che possono illustrare l’esperienza densa di essere a contatto con un altro essere umano per 24 ore al giorno; condividere ogni momento, gioia, dolore, difficoltà, speranza; pensieri, idee, sogni. Dovrei trovare le parole che esprimono in modo conciso il significato unico di riuscire, anche nel particolare spazio e tempo della prigione, a dire: Io non sono solo.

Spyros ha iniziato lo sciopero giorno 11 Novembre. Oggi, giorno 21 Novembre, è il decimo giorno della sua lotta.

Da oggi, inizio lo sciopero come atto solidale con Spyros; come atto che riflette nient’altro che la sua umanità merita, e si collega alle esperienze che abbiamo vissuto e che condividiamo ancora adesso anche se rinchiusi in posti diversi.

Solidarietà è chiamare compagno un altro umano, volendo dire con ciò: insieme nei momenti favorevoli, nelle lotte, nei momenti duri, fino alla fine.

Fratello, tieni i momenti buoni, il coraggio, e continua ad avanzare…

Fino alla vittoria.

Rami Syrianos
Prigione di Domokos

Escrito de Jose Miguel Sánchez ante la negativa de gendarmeria de entregarle medicación


Hoy como siempre, los represores de gendarmería han pretendido violar mi derecho a recibir medicación por mi enfermedad de asma crónica e hipertensión arterial, siendo que esto ha sido prescrito por médicos de esta institución castigadora.
Continue reading Escrito de Jose Miguel Sánchez ante la negativa de gendarmeria de entregarle medicación