Update on CCF’s trial (sessions 86th-88th)


The updates are being made by comrades in solidarity with CCF and are being sent to us via e-mail

88th session

The reading of documents concerning the trial has continued.

87th session

A comrade of CCF, at the beginning of this session, interrupted the normal flow of the trial, taking the ground on what was heard in the previous session. Specifically, he mentioned: “Having now entered the final decree, I want to make a comment on the presentation of the case of CCF. As you know, the investigating and prosecuting authorities have committed the perfect contradiction. In the case of the December, three of us, who have taken responsibility for our participation in the Conspiracy, were presented as leaders, accused of giving orders to people, who have nothing to do with us. On the one hand, we are characterized an anarchist terrorist organization˙ and on the other hand, some of us are given the role of the leader. The question is simple. How is it possible for anarchists to adopt leadership? As anarchists, we are against any form of authority. Yet, we read reports that talk about leaders, about commanders, about orders given from inside prison. All these are in full harmony with the reasoning of prosecutors, who just a little time ago, prosecuted us for inciting the international “Phoenix” project.

The reason why we are being prosecuted, is the greeting we addressed from this courtroom to the comrades of the illegal sector of CCF, who blew up the car belonging to the director of Korydallos prisons. However, the notion of inciting presupposes separated roles. There must be a perpetrator in order for an instigator to exist. The mastermind and the executioner, the assignor and the assignee. I could spend hours enumerating one by one the lack of evidence that shape such reasoning and construct such a charge. There are innumerable contradictions that fully degrade the charge of the existence of managerial roles. However, we did not and will not choose the penal interpretation of the charges. On the contrary, all our interventions are made in light of the anarchist perspective. This is the reason why, we will not deal with the charge of leadership as a charge, but as slander. It is a well known fact, that in every war, propaganda plays a crucial role. Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of Propaganda used to say: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” In the case of the anarchist urban guerrilla warfare, the authority uses every possible mean to present monsters and inverted realities.

How many times have we heard about the life of random passersbyers being in danger, how many times have government buildings, embassies and prisons, at which we have attacked , been presented as property of the “people” or how many times have cops and neo-Nazi torturers been called “innocent” victims. But power does not limit itself to this. They don’t hesitate to slander us by presenting us as a representation of themselves. We are being presented, as a hierarchical organization with leaders, members, duties, penalties, mandates and orders. Take a look at this insanity. Familiar words of power, like leaders, mandates, penalties, are being forged in order to be attributed to us. But the reason why we chose to create the CCF, is exactly because we dislike leaders, we refuse to take orders and we take our life into our own hands. The CCF is an anarchist-informal organization, that supports the FAI-IRF network. We are anarchists, because we do not accept to be neither leaders nor followers. We are informalists, because we do not accept concentrating models and forms that generate specializations and roles. The roles of the leader, the performer, the theoretical, the thief, the bomber restrict the creativity of ourselves and generate authority. That is, the informal authority, which lies in social relations which gives rise to the institutional power. People, who accept their roles of authority, no longer communicate and are only performing simple tasks. For us, relationships are fluid and based on the development of everyone’s skills.

Max Stirner, who has been mentioned by the prosecutor in the previous session , in his book ” The unique and his own ,” wrote ” I base my case on nothing .” Although Stirner was an academic thinker , and had no relationship with the anarcho-individualism of Praxis , he has cleverly put the foundations . Stirner‘s ” nothing ” is the constant development , the point where the individual is both the builder and the destroyer , it’s the eternal principle, that constantly nullifies everything, in order to give birth to the new. In this reasoning, there is no space for neither leaders nor subordinates . However, authority insists on presenting us an image, in order to deny our existence. This is the second step after war‘s propaganda. You deny the existence of the enemy. Authority says: “There are no anarchists, there are just some paranoid terrorists, who give orders, have invisible central commanders and recruit members for their dark purposes.” They forget, that in this way, they present us, as an image of themselves. I do not like talking too long about the obvious. In closing, I will use a phrase from the history of Herodotus. Once there were three Persians who were arguing about the ideal polity and the one supported monarchy, the second one supported oligarchy and the third one said: “I do not want neither to rule nor to be ruled …”. This is the principle, which characterizes our relations within the Conspiracy.

86th session

The reading of documents regarding the arrests of individuals during the December of 2010, has began. These persons have denied having any relationship with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. It is worth noting, that the law enforcement and judicial authorities have accused comrades-members of CCF for this case, as well. Specifically, three of them were described as operators – commanders, who were instructing those arrested in December.


Translated by Inter Arma

