Yet another story of police/state strong-arm tactics and revanchism or.. is the Hellenic Police holding a grudge?


(Raids of anarchist’s residencies will not remain unanswered)

On the 11th of February, about 100 comrades gave their answer to the leadership of the  Hellenic Police, regarding the raids on comrades’ houses in Athens and Thessaloniki (read more here) carried out by the Security Police in an attempt to intimidate and terrorize the activists, and, therefore, the whole society.


The dynamic and well-organized action, which passed by the residence of the Chief Police Officer Papagiannopoulos, obviously didn’t go unnoticed by Katehaki’s staff and generals [T/N: the ministry of (in)justice is located in Katehaki avenue, Athens]. Αnd so they felt – even for a brief moment – the breeze of resistance creeping in their fortresses through the windows.

We see their showy walks in front of the self-organized projects, their cowardly bullying, the inspections and identification checks of youths and local residents. We see their persistent presence in our neighbourhoods.

The clear intention of those in power to wipe out the activists has, of course, not gone unnoticed. The carousel of targeting and repressing those who pose a threat to the regime was developed long ago and is now being unfolded before our eyes in different ways each time. Either when our houses are assaulted or when we come across DELTA squad’s scums on a daily basis, the war against authority is raging at all levels. [T/N: DELTA squad: cops on motorbikes. There are many cases of reckless violence that involve them.]

We have taken a stand in this war.
We are not used to the enforcement of the neo-Nazis or the fear in the eyes of the immigrants.
We are not used to compromise, apathy, fatalism.
We are not used to our comrades being outlaws or in prisons
We have not grown accustomed to the poverty, misery and death that both state and capitalism are spreading.
We won’t get used to the image of murderers in uniforms walking around our homes or neighbourhoods.

“Power walks” don’t terrorize us, they make us uncompromising. So as to make it absolutely clear: the activists’ collective presence and action on the streets and squares of our neighbourhoods is not under negotiation.

PS: Note that the police, after the action under their leader’s house, went as far as to involve the Cyber Crime Unit! In an unprecedented act of censorship and control the smart-asses took down the video of our action. The conclusions are all yours.

Translator’s note: The website was attacked and taken down for about three hours when they published the report regarding the action at the police chief’s residence. We wonder why…


Action against raids of anarchist’s residencies

A march of circa 100 comrades took place today in downtown Vyronas, Athens with flyer sharing and leaflets spreading. The march passed by the hellenic police chief’s residence, Papagiannopoulos.

Since January 21, a continuously evolving repressive operation has started including dozens of raids and searches of anarchists’, anti-authoritarians’ and other fighters’ residences across the country. Prosecutors grant warrants either with the excuse of Ch.Xiros [T/N: member of the revolutionary group “November 17” who didn’t return to prison after his last prison leave and is now wanted with a 4 million bounty] or due to “anonymous information for weapon possession” that police authorities were supposedly tipped off. These police authorities loot fighters’ residencies by violating any concept of privacy through spectacular operations that continue to this day.

This kind of exception procedures, which have been enforced on revolutionary subjects for many years now, are performed through an imposed state of emergency that aims to oppress and terrorize those who resist. A key actor for the establishment of this state of emergency is the hellenic police with all its departments (such as DIAS, DELTA, the counter-terrorism squad, and state intelligence) which are lately assigned a merciless witch-hunt including raids, investigations and a factory of false indictments.

However, they all have names and addresses. The chief of hellenic police, Papagiannopoulos, has become widely known due to his public statement that the police force should “make immigrants’ life unbearable” [T/N: a recording of Papagiannopoulos statement was linked to the press]. In this case, Papagianopoulos addressed his subordinates (all kinds of cops and snitches) regarding how they should treat immigrants. This was not merely a coincidence. Immigrants constitute this part of society that experiences the state of emergency in all aspects of their daily life. A brutal materialization of Papagiannopoulos’ prompt was the drowning of 12 immigrants in Farmakonisi by the coast guard.

Thus, it becomes increasingly apparent that this statement constitutes the centerline order for managing all those who exempt from bourgeois legality and resist modern totalitarianism. We cannot ignore the fact that recent state operations aim to repress the wider anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement, as well as radical and revolutionary relationships. At the same time, we are conscious of the fact that the ultimate target are individual but also more comprehensive expressions of societal resistance. This kind of policing management is part of a wider repressive state operation, following squat evictions, the “swap” of Athens center, the conscription of strikers, the numerous imprisonments of anarchists, the establishment of a state of terror in entire villages in Skouries Chalkidiki, including raids into residencies and persecution of residents.

To repressive attacks and ideological state persecutions we must oppose a broad front of social and class grassroots resistance. We should uncompromisingly insist in subverting this regime of exploitation and oppression, for the social revolution, claiming a society of equality, solidarity and freedom. To turn the tables on fear.

Cops-bosses-snitches-prosecutors We will make your life unbearable

We will make your life unbearable

Action against raids of anarchist’s residencies