May 15: seditious action against prosecution Joke Kaviaar


Next thursday May 15, the appeal trial in the case of the state against Joke Kaviaar will take place at the high court in Amsterdam. On January 22, 2013, she was convicted to a 4 months jail sentence for writing and spreading four texts in which she denounces the oppression, persecution, incarceration and deportation of refugees/migrants without papers, and calls for active resistance.

With the charges and conviction for sedition the state wants to scare off the resistance against the inhumane asylum and migration policy. We therefore call for an action before the trial begins, to walk from Dam Square to the high court, while on our way we will spread one of the forbidden texts “Rara (Guess.. [1] ), who’s legal order is it?”. (as wall poster on PDF here (in Dutch):Rara, wiens rechtsorde is het? / English translation: Rara, who’s legal order is it? )
People will paste up the text as wall poster and also hand out to bystanders. At the beginning the text will be read publicly by historian Dennis Bos, author of the recent book “Bloed en Barricaden”(Blood and Barricades).

Join us! If you want to help paste, mail the Support group in advance: If possible bring your own material (brush, bucket, glue).
The wall posters “Rara (Guess..), who’s legal order is it?” can already be obtained from the supportgroup. You can order them by mail, to spread them in your own area.

If you cannot take part in the action but want to show your support, you can come directly to the trial.
Start of action: 12.00 uur (12 pm) Dam square, Amsterdam
Start of trial: 14.00 uur (14 pm) high court, IJdok 20, Amsterdam

Support group 13 september
Texts Joke Kaviaar:
Follow the action (and the trial) on twitter or facebook:

[1] RARA was also the name of an action group that took radical action (like arson attacks) against migration policy and South Africa apartheid. So the use of the word RARA has a double meaning, which comes to light as you read the whole text.

Spreading the text that has been forbidden by the court can be considered a punishable act, taking part in the action means a considerable arrest risk because of article 132 (spreading seditious material).

Therefore here below some legal information.

For this action the legal support group and a lawyer are available:
criminal law lawyer: Michiel Kuyp (Jebbink en Soeteman advocaten Amsterdam)
immigration lawyer: Martijn Strooij (Hamerslag en van Haren advocaten Amsterdam)
legal support group: 06-42413496 (write the names of the lawyers and this nr. on your arm or leg and call it if you witness an arrest or when you are released after arrest)

If you are arrested, ask for the lawyer and keep asking, even if the police try to convince you that this lawyer is too busy or that they can not reach him or her. Do not make any statements to the police. You have the right to remain silent, use it! Because everything you say about yourself or other people can only be used against you or against anyone else.

If you are arrested for an offense, such as trespassing, you have no right to see a lawyer, with luck, you can call your lawyer. If your identity is known to the police they will have to let you go after 6 hours (the hours between 12 am and 9 am do not count, keep that in mind), if you remain anonymous (you will receive a NN number) they can keep you for another 6 hours.

If you are charged with a crime when you are arrested you have the right see your lawyer before the first time they interrogate/interview you. For some crimes can you be detained for up to 6 hours (e.g. non-compliance with an official order), for other crimes you can be held in custody; inverzekeringstelling (e.g., resisting arrest, vandalism). The detention lasts up to 3 days. People who remain anonymous can always be put in custody. After those three days you should be released or be brought to the investigating judge, who decides whether you will be held longer.

Sometimes people who remain anonymous are threatened with migrant detention when they are released from criminal custody, because the police do not know their identity and nationality. For this case we have a immigration lawyer on standby to assist.

Always think ahead before you go to an action whether there are things that you have to have arranged in case you are arrested. If your work must be called or your cat should be fed, make sure that there is someone who can do this and that this person has the number of the legal support group. If you decide to remain anonymous, also make sure that there is someone who knows where your papers are in case you decide later to reveal your identity. If you are taking medication, take it along.

If you currently have questions, you can always contact the legal support group. 06-42413496

