tralci di un libro che parla di carcere, che descrive il carcere minuto dopo minuto. Il libro di un prigioniero politico francese che ancora lotta per la sua libertà. Un libro per non dimenticarci mai
Al risveglio, la prigione salta alla gola.
Le prime sensazioni mi avvertono della sua presenza nascosta. Un angolo di muro illuminato dal chiarore dell’alba, l’odore del disinfettante, le diverse abluzioni dei congeneri, la carezza della coperta carceraria e lo scoramento indicibile. Mi penetra di colpo.
Continue reading Vicino agli esclusi, tra gli esclusi … di Jean Marc Rouillan
Monthly Archives: December 2014
Tokata Y Fuga 6-XII-2014. Entrevista Con Michele Pontolillo
Hablamos con Conxi sobre la ley del embudo que rige la dispar aplicación del sistema penal según el nivel social del supuesto delincuente. Entrevistamos a Michele Pontolillo sobre la lucha contra el FIES, la situación actual de las cárceles del Estado italiano y su participación en actividades de resistencia frente a ella. Comentamos también la huelga de hambre de los presos anarquistas griegos y la solidaridad que ha suscitado en la calle, así como la reciente presentación de la Coordinadora Anticarcelaria Cárcel=Tortura en el territorio dominado por el Estado español.
- Tokata Y Fuga 6-XII-2014. Entrevista Con Michele…
Voline Nihilism
NIHILISM n. m. (from Latin nihil, nothing)
A deeply rooted and widely spread misunderstanding is closely linked to this word born, 75 years ago, in the Russian literature and passed without being translated (thanks to its Latin origin), into other languages.
In France, in Germany, in England and elsewhere, one usually understands by “nihilism” a current of ideas — or even a system — revolutionary and social politics, invented in Russia, having there (or having had) numerous organized partisans. We routinely speak of a “nihilist party” and of “the nihilists,” its members. All this is false. It is time to correct that error, at least for the readers of the Anarchist Encyclopedia.
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A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch by Sergei Stepniak
On the 27th of July, in the year 1878, the little town of Talutorovsk, in Western Siberia, was profoundly excited by a painful event. A political prisoner, named Olga Litibatovitch, miserably put an end to her days. She was universally loved and esteemed, and her violent death therefore produced a most mournful impression throughout the town, and the Ispravnik, or chief of the police, was secretly accused of having driven the poor young girl, by his unjust persecutions, to take away her life.
Continue reading A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch by Sergei Stepniak
[Folleto] La Beligerancia De La Dignidad. Textos Del Compañero Nikos Romanos
[Picar en imagen para descargar folleto]
Enviado por Sin Fronteras Ni Banderas, núcleo antiautoritario de información y propaganda, de Chile, hemos recibido el anterior folleto en nustro correo, acompañado de la siguiente
Un punto de cruce en los caminos de la insurrección permanente.
Continue reading [Folleto] La Beligerancia De La Dignidad. Textos Del Compañero Nikos Romanos
Anti-System Cores For Mass Struggle and Subversion
Part one
“If you will not free yourself from the ropes that bind you while you are alive, do you think that ghosts will do it after?” Kabir
At this point, no one is innocent and all have made their choice. There is not one person who is not having to take sides. People are testing each other, testing society, testing how far they can go. Flexing their muscles, so to speak, before the clash. You can see it in the slight tilt of the lips as someone blames the immigrants or the Muslims in a roomful of strangers. Who will react?
Continue reading Anti-System Cores For Mass Struggle and Subversion
Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis)
We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.
Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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BLACK FLAGS by Renzo Novatore
Black flags in the wind
stained with blood and sun
Black flags in the sun
howling of glory in the wind
We need to return to the origins. To drink at the ancient fountains.
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The rebel’s dark laughter: the writings of Bruno Filippi by bruno filippi
Table of Contents:
* Translator’s Introduction
* Who Was Bruno Filippi?
* In The Circle of Life
o In Memory of Bruno Filippi by Renzo Novatore
* The Free Art of a Free Spirit
* A Closed Chapter
* The Customs of Moles and Gallants
* Le Chateau Rouge
* In Defense of Mata Hari
* Iconoclast
* Hero or Assassin?
* The Federation of Sorrow
* Il Me Faut Vivre Ma Vie*
* A Day Off
* Dynamite Speaks
Continue reading The rebel’s dark laughter: the writings of Bruno Filippi by bruno filippi