Greece: Self-presentation text of the anarchist group “Chaos Symphony”


Prelude of anarchist insurrection…

Anarchist group “Chaos Symphony” is a meeting point of action for comerades from the wide range of black anarchy. It is an anarchist informal structure that aims to make a stable and multi-form intervention to the public space, diffusing the insurrectional prespective on issues that concern us and to support the comrades, whose word and ideas are close to ours.

Making our position on solidarity clear, we consider it wrong to be put in political, and therefore strategic and symbolic, terms. For us, it only makes sense when it’s part of the analysis and practice of the anarchist struggle as it is expressed by the subjects and the organic or dialectical relationships they develop. Thus, solidarity with persecuted comrades internationally (prisoners, fugitives, under trial) can only take place in the context of theoretical and practical affinity and not under generalized labels like “anarchists” or “revolutionaries”, that mean very little or nothing by themselves. At the same time, it is obvious that, in any case, support is not an automatic reflex that is activated when needed, nor is it put on the autopilot regardless of the movements and the attitude of the receiver. It is a dynamic process, which examines each case and situation individually. Also, we believe that it’s important to develop substantive relationships with those anarchists who see the anarchist struggle through the same prism we do, both in Greece and abroad, having the desire to meet with them in the paths of rebellion, when our choices match or interact dialectically.

We think that in a reality where the complex of domination is swelling and constantly changing, the masses, despite their progressive spiritual and material impoverishment, are still asleep, willingly obedient and waiting for prospective saviours and a big part of the anarchist milieu is running towards either communization, alternative politics or the support to leftist and social democratic goverments, it is necessary for a militant anarchist theory and practice, which opposes the existing as a whole, to emerge.

We promote anarchist, anti-state struggle. The state, as basic institutional superstructure of authority, is the director and the overseeer of order of the social factory and is in direct dialectical relationship with it. It ensures the smooth movement of goods and the smooth functioning of the market, organizes all social structures responsible for the assimilation of individuals and protects normality by suppressing physically and psychologically those who deviate from it. Anarchist anti-statism is inherently anti-political. For us, politics are identical to the management of misery of social structure and is inextricably linked to the democratic regime and the broader civilization edifice. Against the law-abiding or active citizen of democratic normality, stands the rebellious a-political anarchist individuality. Moreover, considering that the state is simply the modern expression of centralized institutionalized power, we stand on the opposite of each respective structure of social power, whether it is a commune, a confederation, a national assembly etc.

We are moving aggressively against capital. Recognizing that capitalism, in its later form, is the modern and globalized class-structured system of economic power and structure of the social factory, we promote the critical and practical attack against it. Our attack is not from the part of the “oppressed proletariat”, but from that of the insurgent anarchist consciences. Capitalism is responsible for the full commercialization of our relationships and bodies, the systematic exploitation and dissolution of the natural world and the establishment of a suffocating, authoritarian environment, currently expressed in the form of an increasingly wild neo-liberalism. We aim to dissolve the capitalistic structures and relationships, disintegrate the sacred market, strip the society of the spectacle naked and degrade the political, economic and social ideology of capitalism. At the same time, we believe that the exploitation and enslavement of the individuals neither started nor will probably end along with capitalism, as it too was based on existing structures and ideologies. Therefore, we are opposed to any organized system of work and economy within the social machine, whether it be capitalist or communist or whatever.

We declare war on civilization and society. Civilization is an essential element of the ideological superstructure and necessary presupposition for the material substance of society. Using the overworn ideology of progress, it demolishes everything, objectifies nature and animals, while the monstrosity of the technological-scientific complex mechanizes, records, studies, normalizes, hacks and reassembles life itself at will, while making sure to create the appropriate alibi for its necessity to exist. Urban planning, which is the centre of the society’s residential, productive and administrative structure inside and outside metropolises, provides the field, inside which the central operations and policies of the social factory are developed and the biggest part of the “workforce”, the masses, is housed. The structure of civilization cannot be seen independently of the authoritarian social structure. The social edifice is the centre of the existent. A vast grid of mediated relationships, roles and identities (gender, class, ethnical, racial etc.), values and ideologies (humanism, morality, law, security, religion, patriarchy, carnism, social status and consumerism, fanaticism of every kind etc.) and formal and informal institutions (family, education, property, prisons, church, army, police etc.), which forms and keeps together the social masses via a large number of domesting processes of civilization.

We hit the existent in its entirety. Although one is able to analyze the central pillars of dominion and its endpoints almost separately, we should always have in mind that it is an indivisible whole. In the context of creating breaches, opening of anarchist action areas and conquering as many and as intense experiences and moments of self-ownership as possible, the anarchist insurrectionists chose to attack the dominion on its totality, not aiming to self-manage or conquer and reform parts of it, but yearning for the continuous devastating war against it. Contrary to the tyranny of the massive, we place the individual conscientious and practical revolt, which is becoming collective in an informal and diffuse way when deemed necessary, setting up thereby the opposing force of the regime. The constant anarchist revolt has no ultimate goal and no expiration date, it is a constant, multilevel destruction process. This constant liberating journey is probably the only substantial thing in a world that staggers and humiliates everything exponentially.

Anarchist Group “Chaos Symphony”