Chile: Lxs compañerxs Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova y Guillermo Duran se declaran en huelga de hambre (es/en/gr/fr)


“esta es nuestra klara respuesta repudiando y escupiendo sin bacilar, el ultimo golpe represivo contra nuestro entorno”

Esta es nuestra respuesta ante el hostigamiento del poder y sus fuerzas represivas, contra nuestro círculo solidario, familias, amigxs y compañerxs. Cotidianamente estan siendo viktimas de persecuciones, amedrentamiento, hostigamiento, agresiones y secuestros por parte de las policías y ante esto claramente por nuestros kriterios y más aun nuestra convicción es imposible kedarnos de brazos cruzados.

Es así como hoy 14 de abril damos inicio a una movilización a modo de protesta y respuesta ante el chantaje emocional que estamos sufriendo por parte del poder y sus instituciones represivas. Llevando a la práctica nuestro descontento de manera insumisa, como suele ser nuestra esencia, y utilizando nuestro cuerpo como barricada, iniciando así la paralización de nuestras actividades y una huelga de hambre con carácter liquida dentro de los penales, exigimos:

– La excarcelación inmediata de Enrique Alfonso Guzman Amadeo, teniendo en consideración la ridicula acusación y delirantes pruebas presentadas por fiscalía

– Establecer la validez científica de las pruebas de ADN. ¿existe una real certeza de la utilización 100% exacta y precisa para incriminar? Principalmente no se tiene certeza científica de los análisis de ADN, sobretodo cuando de tienen muestras con rasgos biológicos de varias personas y la utilización que hace fiscalía de esta prueba, como una prueba de gran peso cuando en realidad no lo es, sobretodo la manera en que plantean la prueba en nuestro caso, pretenden hacer creer que el registro biológico que quedo después de una explosión es sumamente valido y certero, aun así cuando genetistas y criminalistas han descartado su validez y calidad.

– Exigimos el cese al hostigamiento y persecuciones que las fuerzas represivas han desatado contra nuestro entorno mas cercano, queriendo lograr así el amedrentamieto y la criminalizacion hacia quienes no han dudado manifestarnos su amor y solidaridad activa e incondicional. Evidencia clara de este hostigamiento es la encarcelación de nuestro compañero enrique, quien si nada que ocultar ni negar, decidió asistirnos periódicamente, visitándonos en los distintos centros de tortura y exterminio, como tambien el secuestro de un amigo, al que tomaron del cuello y subieron a un auto en plena vía publica.

Esta exigencia del cese del hostigamiento la consideramos tanto fuera como dentro de los recintos penales, ya que nosotrxs estamos siendo hostigados cotidianamente por gendarmería de chile, tanto yo como mi compañera Nataly, claramente nuestra respuesta no ha sido sumisa y eso nos ha costado varios castigos y agresiones y claramente la intención que tenemos de volver a vernos dentro de la instancia carcelaria.

– exigimos la solución inmediata a la situación de nuestra compañera Nataly Antonieta Casanova Muñoz, ya que desde su llegada a el penal de san miguel, se encuentra en régimen de castigo y aislamiento severo, y gendarmería hace caso omiso a la exigencia del cambio de modulo, dejando a nuestra compañera en un “limbo carcelario”. Exigimos el traslado inmediato de nuestra compañera a un modulo/torre donde pueda tener contacto/relación con otras internas y mas horas de patio, dado que desde su llegada ahí solo tiene una hora de patio, siendo este un conducto/protokolo completamente irregular.


Juan Alexis Flores Riquelme
Modulo 1
Santiago 1

Hoy lunes 13 de abril he comenzado una huelga liquida (solo agua potable) frente a las represalias de los aparatos estatales a nuestro entorno mas cercano (familiares y amigxs). Harta de los delirios de los fiscales de la zona sur y las mentiras de fiscal Raul Guzman, en sus medios, intentando inculpar a Enrique Guzman, para incorporarlo al curso podrido que a dado inicio y continuidad a su investigación (espectáculo, persecuciones, hostigamientos, amenazas y hasta el secuestro a manos de policías de civil a un amigo).

Frente a esta jugada del poder anteponemos nuestra conciencia, afectos e ideas, que rechazan la imposición de sus leyes antiterroristas o cual sea, pues solo defienden su orden de privilegios y vidas parasitarias.

Aki entre sus muros no estamos derrotados ni solos, como pretenden, continuamos insumisxs, libres y dignxs, luchando nuevamente con nuestro cuerpo como arma frente a kienes desean enjaular y enterrar bajo el cemento la lucha, dignidad, amor y solidaridad.


– la libertad inmediata de nuestro hermano, amigo y compañero Enrique Guzman, encarcelado por ser cercano y visitarnos.

– el fin a las persecuciones, hostigamientos, secuestros e interrogaciones a nuestras familias y amigxs, por ser quienes nos apoyan en este escenario. Buscando el poder aislarnos.

– Así mismo exigimos el fin del hostigamiento por parte de los carceleros a todxs lxs presxs que afrontan dignamente este lugar, cada golpiza y humillación, tendrá siempre una respuesta, ninguno de nosotrxs esta solx. Destaco el hostigamiento y allanamientos cada vez más violentos hacia mi compañero Juan Flores, y hacia mi una situación similar.

– Sus pruebas de ADN no tienen validez científica, por la escasez y calidad de muestras, así como la variedad de mezclas biológicas presentes, ya que estas pueden coincidir con muchas personas, y estas pruebas son presentadas por fiscales como sus mejores pruebas. Exigimos la determinación de la validez de las pruebas por medio del análisis de métodos y muestras. Considerando todos los aspectos científicos, no solo la tendenciosa acusación de fiscales.

– A modo personal hago saber a todo mi entorno y quienes no sean indiferentes al encierro, que desde los 7 meses que llevo en prisión preventiva, me encuentro en aislamiento severo con solo 1 hora de patio al día, sin ninguna actividad de recreación, más que las que yo me proporciono, negándome así este régimen, cualquier taller o actividad recreativa presente en el penal, justificándose con que en nuestro módulo somos muy pocas internas. Yo convivo con solo una interna/presx, en ocasiones con más, pero todas rotan, siendo yo la única que se mantiene en esa inestable situación. Por lo anterior exijo el inmediato cambio de modulo.



Nataly Casanova Muñoz
CDP San Miguel

A familiares, amigxs y compañerxs. Al conocimiento publico.

Hoy 14 de abril a las 00.00 hrs. inicio una huelga de hambre de carácter liquida (solo agua potable), con el fin que se cumplan las exigencias que luego señalare. Esta es una medida de lucha y solidaridad, en la cual arriesgamos nuestra salud y vida. Esta decisión la motivan los últimos hechos que han golpeado a nuestro entorno cercano, la detención de enrique, la persecución y hostigamiento de nuestro circulo cercano y solidario, las agresiones y castigos ejercidos por los carceleros hacia Nataly y Juan. En fin toda una maraña de maquinaciones ejercidas por el poder y sus aparatos (prensa, fiscalias, policías, etc.), con el fin de frenar la solidaridad efectiva con nuestrxs compañerxs encarceladxs.

Se que situaciones como esta no son nuevas tanto en este país como en distintos lugares del mundo, tomamos/tomo ejemplos de lucha donde ellas existan, por eso hoy y dentro de mis posibilidades mas bien reducidas, decido ayunar en solidaridad con mis hermanxs. Esta lucha la llevamos/llevo contra aquellxs que dicen ejercer la ley y tomar decisiones para el bien de la sociedad, pregonando la igualdad ante la ley, cuando sus propias leyes y sociedad han sido forjadas por la desigualdad que impera bajo el dominio del capitalismo.

No puedo quedarme inerte y pasivo frente a este contexto represivo que hoy golpea a mis hermanos, por eso solidarizo con el ayuno indefinido hasta que se cumplan nuestras exigencias:

– la liberación inmediata de nuestro hermano y compañero Enrique Guzman Amadeo, detenido y secuestrado por el estado, gracias a la delirante imaginación de fiscales y sus ansias por reprimir la solidaridad a lxs presxs insumisxs.

– no mas hostigamientos y agresiones a Juan y Nataly por parte de lxs carcelerxs. Así tambien el cese de la persecución y amedrentamiento hacia familiares, amigxs y entorno solidario por parte del estado, sus fiscales y policías.

– la solución a la situación carcelaria de Nataly Casanova, compañera mantenida en aislamiento severo desde el inicio de su prisión preventiva (23 de septiembre del 2014), con solo 1 hora de patio y negándole la posibilidad de convivencia con otras internas, que no estén castigadas, como el acceso a actividades recreativas y de aprendizaje (talleres, etc.). Exigimos el traslado inmediato a otro modulo en el cual se remedie esta situación indigna.

– el esclarecimiento científico de la validez de las pruebas de ADN. Según la calidad y composición de las muestras, dar cuenta de la validez del método de análisis y de la certeza de sus resultados. Hoy estas pruebas de ADN son utilizadas como principal prueba acusatoria en el caso, siendo que tanto su procedencia como calidad dista mucho de la pretendida certeza científica que fiscaliza pretende darle a estas “magnificas” pruebas.

Solo la lucha y la solidaridad entrega lo que es negado por el estado, solo así se puede enfrentar este mundo construido por y para ellx$.

Guillermo Duran Méndez
En arresto domiciliario total


Chile: Anarchists Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Guillermo Duran declare hunger strike

Anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Guillermo were arrested in Santiago on September 18th 2014.

Juan is held in pretrial detention in the Santiago 1 prison, accused of involvement in two bomb attacks that occurred on July 13th and September 8th 2014, and were claimed by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Chile); he’s also charged with participation in a coordinated attack against two police stations on August 11th 2014 that was claimed by C.I.V (International Conspiracy for Revenge).

Nataly is held in pretrial detention in San Miguel prison, accused of participation in the July 13th bomb attack and possession of explosives.

Guillermo is under full house arrest, charged with possession of explosives in relation to the same case.

On April 1st 2015, the three comrades released their first open letter by which they embrace the call for solidarity days with the prisoners of social war in Chile (between the 10th and 20th of April), which was initiated by the rebellious prisoners Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, Alejandro Astorga Valdés, Carlos Gutierrez Quiduleo, Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Hans Niemeyer Salinas, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, Alfredo Canales Moreno, and also supported by the recently remanded comrades Natalia Collado and Javier Pino.

On April 6th 2015, Enrique Guzmán – a close friend and comrade of Juan, Nataly and Guillermo – was arrested and a few days later sent to pretrial detention, accused of participation in the aforementioned coordinated attack against two police stations. At the same time, the cops have reportedly harassed several supporters of theirs, going so far as to (literally) abduct another compa in the middle of a street.

Juan, Nataly and Guillermo are currently on hunger strike, demanding:
– the immediate release of compañero Enrique Guzmán;
– an end to assaults and disciplinary sanctions towards prisoners in struggle;
– the immediate transfer of compañera Nataly Casanova from solitary confinement to an “ordinary” prison wing;
– an end to harassment of people who stand in solidarity with incarcerated comrades;
– an end to DNA-based prosecutions.

Below are their hunger strike initiation statements that we originally received in Spanish in the early hours of April 15th 2015.

“this is our clear response repudiating and spitting unhesitatingly at the last repressive blow against our close ones”

This is our response to the harassment of Power and its repressive forces against our solidarian circle, relatives, friends and comrades. They are being subjected daily to persecutions, intimidation, harassment, assaults and kidnappings by the cops; in the face of all this clearly because of our criteria and furthermore our conviction it’s impossible for us to sit idly by.

Thus, as of April 14th 2015, we initiate a mobilisation as a form of protest and in response to the emotional blackmail that we are suffering by Power and its repressive institutions. We turn our discontent into practice in an unsubmissive manner, as is our essence in general, using our body as a barricade and initiating the paralysation of our activities and a hunger strike by taking only liquids on the inside, demanding:

– The immediate release of Enrique Alfonso Guzmán Amadeo, taking into consideration the ridiculous accusation and delirious evidence presented by the public prosecutor.

– That the scientific validity of DNA evidence be established. Is there a real certainty of its use being 100% accurate and precise in order to incriminate? Principally there is no scientific certainty of DNA analysis, especially when there are samples with biological traits of several people, while the prosecutor’s office makes use of this evidence as proof of great weight when in fact it is not, and especially the way they have set the evidence in our case tries to have us believe that the biological record that was left behind after an explosion is extremely valid and accurate, even when geneticists and criminologists have discarded its validity and quality.

– We demand an end to harassment and persecution that the repressive forces have unleashed against our closest environment, wanting to achieve intimidation and criminalisation against those who have not hesitated to manifest their love and active, unconditional solidarity. Clear evidence of this harassment is the incarceration of our comrade Enrique [currently in pretrial detention] – who having nothing to hide or deny decided to assist us regularly, visiting us at the various centres of torture and extermination – as well as the abduction of a friend [now released], whom they grabbed by the neck and put by force in a car on a public street.

We demand this cessation of harassment both outside and inside the penitentiaries, since my compañera Nataly and I are being punished daily by the Chilean gendarmerie [prison guards]; clearly our response has not been submissive, and that has cost us several sanctions and assaults, but we clearly intend to meet each other again within the prison instance.

– We demand an immediate solution to the situation of our compañera Nataly Antonieta Casanova Muñoz, because since her arrival at the prison in San Miguel she finds herself in a disciplinary regime and severe isolation, and the screws ignore the requirement for her transfer to another wing, leaving our compañera in a “prison limbo”. We demand the immediate transfer of our compañera to a wing/tower where she will be able to have contact/relationship with other inmates and more hours in the yard, because since arriving there she has only had an hour of yard time, this being a conduct/protocol completely irregular.


Juan Alexis Flores Riquelme
1st Wing, Santiago 1 prison


Since Monday, April 13th 2015, I have started a hunger strike through the ingestion of liquids (only drinking water) against the reprisals of state apparatuses to our closest environment (relatives and friends). Fed up with the deliriums of prosecutors in the southern zone and the lies of the prosecutor Raúl Guzmán, in their media, attempting to incriminate Enrique Guzmán in order to incorporate him in the rotten course that has allowed the initiation and continuation of his investigation (spectacle, persecutions, harassments, threats and even abduction of a friend by plainclothes cops).

We put our consciousness, affectionate ties and ideas against this play of Power, rejecting the imposition of their antiterrorist or whatever laws, because their legislation solely defends their order of privileges and parasitic lives.

Here, within their prison walls, we are neither defeated nor alone, as they claim; we continue to be unsubmissive, free and dignified, fighting anew with our body as a weapon against those who wish to cage and bury struggle, dignity, love and solidarity under the concrete.

We demand:

– The immediate release of our brother, friend and compañero Enrique Guzmán, incarcerated for being close to us and for visiting us in prison.

– An end to persecutions, harassments, abductions and interrogations of our family members and friends, for being those who support us in this situation; because Power is seeking to isolate us.

– We also demand the end of harassment by jailers against all prisoners who are facing this place with dignity; every beating and humiliation will always have an answer, none of us is alone. I stress the increasingly violent harassment and cell raids against my compañero Juan Flores, and that I find myself in a similar situation.

– Their DNA evidence have no scientific validity due to the scarcity and quality of the samples, and that goes for the variety of available biological mixtures, too, as these may coincide with many individuals, and such are the proofs presented by prosecutors as their best evidence. We demand the determination of the validity of DNA evidence through an analysis of methods and samples; considering all scientific aspects, not only the tendentious accusation of prosecutors.

– On a personal level, I let everyone close to me and those who are not indifferent to confinement know that, for 7 months that I have been in preventive detention, I am being held in severe isolation with only 1 hour in the yard a day, without any recreational activity, apart from those that I’m providing myself; so, under this regime, I’m being denied any workshop or recreational activity available in the penitentiary with the excuse that we are very few inmates in our wing. I live with only one inmate/prisoner, sometimes with more, but all are rotated, being myself the only one that’s kept in this unstable situation. Due to the above, I demand the immediate change of wing.



Nataly Casanova Muñoz
San Miguel women’s prison


To relatives, friends and comrades. To public knowledge.

On April 14th 2015, at midnight, I begin a hunger strike by taking liquids (only drinking water) for the fulfillment of the demands that I indicate below. This is a means of struggle and solidarity, by which we put our health and life at risk. This decision was motivated by recent occurrences that have struck our close environment; Enrique’s arrest, persecution and harassment of our close and solidarian circle, aggression and punishment exercised by the prison guards towards Nataly and Juan. Finally, a whole tangle of machinations exerted by Power and its apparatuses (the Press, prosecutors, cops, etc.), aiming at halting the effective solidarity with our incarcerated comrades.

I know that situations like this are not new, both in this country and in different parts of the world; we/I take examples of struggle wherever these exist, that’s why today and within my rather limited possibilities, I decide to abstain from solid foods in solidarity with my brothers and sisters. We/I carry out this struggle against those who say they practice law and make decisions for the good of society, trumpeting equality before the law, when their own laws and society have been forged by the inequality that reigns under the domination of capitalism.

I cannot stay inert and passive in the face of this repressive context that today strikes my brothers and sisters, so I stand in solidarity with the indefinite hunger strike until our demands are met:

– the immediate release of our brother and compañero Enrique Guzmán Amadeo, arrested and kidnapped by the State, only thanks to the delirious imagination of prosecutors and their yearning to suppress solidarity towards unsubmissive prisoners.

– no more harassment and aggression against Juan and Nataly by prison guards; and, additionally, the cessation of persecution and intimidation towards family members, friends and solidarian people by the State, its prosecutors and cops.

– a solution to the prison situation of Nataly Casanova, compañera held in severe isolation from the beginning of her preventive detention (September 23rd 2014), having only one hour of yard time, and being denied the possibility of coexistence with other inmates who are not being punished, or access to activities of recreation and apprenticeship (workshops, etc.). We demand her immediate transfer to another wing in which this humiliating situation be remedied.

– the scientific clarification of the validity of DNA evidence. That the validity of the analysis method and the accuracy of its results be taken into account, depending on the quality and composition of the samples. Today these DNA proofs are used as the main incriminating evidence in the case, even though both their origin and quality are far from the purported scientific certainty that the prosecutor’s office intends to give to these “magnificent” proofs.

Only struggle and solidarity deliver what is negated by the State; it’s only in this way that we can confront this world con$tructed by and for them.

Guillermo Duran Méndez
In total house arrest

related posts in Greek: 1, 2

francé, portugués