Expropriate Back Your Existence! – Uncivilised on the Margins


The myth that looting is a violent & criminal act has always been indoctrinated into us by the ‘included’, it is the very violent, just as much racist maintenance of ‘property’ that keeps their power intact.

Private property is just a figment! There to keep the ‘excluded’ from really laying their hands upon that which has been stolen from them through centuries of genocide that continues every day & hour that passes now!

Looting is the ultimate danger to the authority of the state and capitalism because it reveals in immediacy through a riot or even insurrection that property is a structure of consent, protected by the force of cops, security & screws constantly present in our everyday lives.

In amongst the clash with the riot cops, a space, a crack is opened, a territory is liberated, where the relations of property are shattered, where what we could not have is finally in our hands for free. The re-addressing of an inequality, the rejection of a morality, the ultimate revenge in this excuse for life we reject!

Expropriation* & looting does not just have to arise from mass disorder, it only takes a few close friends, even comrades, to go beyond, to get straight to the heart of the problem of the state, its capitalism, police, property and even racism that does not give a fuck about us!

BRITAIN_RIOTS_767286fWhat other choice is there? Surrounded, bombarded by billboards & reality TV that define life to the gullible. Be it the ‘perfect body’ or the latest unattainable consumable. A façade that only needs to be shattered with a well placed ROCK!

For it’s yours if you really finally choose liberation from control for the first time. The food in ‘Tesco’s Express’ on every corner. The money in the ‘Barclays’ ATM down the high street. The petrol in all the ‘Mercedes Benz’ & ‘BP’ we lay eyes upon. Set fire to the security, the cops which keep us at bay, the screws, the guardians over shadowing us.

The first conflict is that which we fight in our minds. Eventually its victory spills out into the everyday. For far too long there has been an ingraining of the ‘excluded’. A version of life sold to us just as we wake. And we are complicit within it. Even selling ourselves into slavery. Just for a scrap of stability. Never rocking the cage of bar codes, the prison of calculation, the supermarket of personality guaranteed, special offer.
You = Product, Number, Prisoner? NO!

Steal as much as you can through the broken window. And leave the rest to be burned to the ground. It’s time to take back our lives as our own. To break from the ghettos surrounding us.


– Uncivilised on the Margins

maxresdefault* Practice carried out by anarchists, which involved theft, robbery (especially of banks), scams and counterfeiting currency. A way of reaching ends such as financing revolutionary activities, anarchist propaganda and the release of anarchist prisoners. It is also seen by illegalist anarchists (outgrowth of individualist anarchism) & nihilists as another means, openly embracing criminality as a way of life.
