ReGioN CeNteR (RO)
tEkNiVaL iN RoMaNiA
to find info about the party acces this blog:
the date for Romania Tek is 08.08.2014
Soon, it will be posted a new contact e-mail, where you can find the info for the party!
Let’s try to keep the party in our style and feel good with the music what we love .That is TEKNO. Don’t confuse our movement with GOA and PSY parties. People who like to enjoy this kind of shows can find a lot in all Europe from Romania to Portugal and back!!! The sound systems who will play this music is better they stay home. Peace Off!
Romania Teknival 2014
Romania Teknival 2013

…need more Tekno !
Protect the nature and the location, main rule of the event is each person brings his trash bags and put the trash in the bags.
Another basic rule is to protect, also to respect each other.
Protect the nature and the location, main rule of the event is each person brings his trash bags and put the trash in the bags.
Another basic rule is to protect, also to respect each other.
Protejeaza-ti natura, locatia si aduna-ti gunoiul
Respecta-i pe cei din jurul tau si pe tine. .
Rave on!!!