[Stuttgart] Alles Terrorismus? Veranstaltung zu den laufenden §§129 Verfahren


Die §§129 sind als „Anti-Terror“ Paragraphen bekannt, sie finden allerdings eine breite Anwendung gegen fortschrittliche Gruppierungen. Auch wenn mit Hilfe der Paragraphen auch gegen deutsche Strukturen – wie im RAZ-Verfahren – ermittelt wird, stehen aktuell vor allem türkische und kurdische Gruppierungen im Fadenkreuz. Ihnen allen wird mit Hilfe des §129b die „Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung im Ausland vorgeworfen“.
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Letter Concerning the Criminalisation of the Anarchist Balck Cross.


June 2014.- uk

In 2007 my association with the Anarchist Black Cross was considered a compelling enough reason by the prison authorities to prevent my release, despite the subsequent exposure of the lies manufactured by a prison administration regarding the nature and activities of ABC.

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Where Do We Meet Face to Face


Alienation is not a psychological disorder, an inability on the part of certain individuals to adjust to a basically healthy society. Alienation is an inherent part of the present social order, objectively verifiable. The present social reality is based on a hierarchy of power that requires a system of representation through which society can reproduce itself. To maintain this social system, it is necessary that the lives of individuals be made alien to them, not self-created, but defined in terms of roles and rules of protocol for the proper relationships between these roles. The healthiest individuals in this society are precisely those who most deeply feel the anguish of their alienation, who know that real life is not here and, therefore, refuse to succumb.

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Manual: cómo inhabilitar cámaras de seguridad


A continuación paso a traducir una guía interesante de les compañeres de CamOver. Si recordáis, la iniciativa surgió en el año 2013, en Alemania, como una especie de “juego” que pretendía difundir la acción directa, específicamente aquella dirigida a las cámaras de seguridad. En su sitio web podréis encontrar más información sobre la historia del “juego”, sus razones de ser, etcétera. Sed buenes.
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Berlin: Arson Sabotage of a Deutsche Telekom Car


The Deutsche Telekom has more skeletons in the closet than anyone we could talk about. Many of us have already brought to light some of its dirt. Tonight (3/1) we paid a visit to Telekom on Hausburgstraße (a street in the district of Friedrichshain), notably in the context of the European Police Congress. Telekom has made profits for decades in the field of military equipment and armament.
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Paesi Baschi, arrestati 5 presunti militanti di ETA. Polizia carica presidio di solidarietà

Arrestation de militants basques a Osses, Mardi 7 Juillet 2015. (Photo Bob Edme)
Arrestation de militants basques a Osses, Mardi 7 Juillet 2015. (Photo Bob Edme)

Alta tensione in Iparralde – i Paesi Baschi settentrionali – dopo che nella mattinata di ieri la polizia dello stato Francese ha condotto, con il supporto del Ministero degli interni spagnolo, un’operazione contro alcuni presunti militanti dell’organizzazione indipendentista basca ETA. L’azione repressiva è iniziata verso le 6 di mattina di mercoledì 8 luglio nella città di Ortzaize (Ossés in lingua francese), dove la perquisizione di un’abitazione ha poi portato all’arresto di Iñaki Reta (56 anni) e Xabier Goienetxea (35 anni), che il ministro dell’Interno spagnolo Jorge Fernandez Diaz ha sostenuto essere tra i capi del “reparto tecnico-logistico” di ETA.
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