Scumoween riot in Lambeth last night

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Last night (31 October) there was rioting in Lambeth, central South London, after cops tried to block hundreds of ravers from getting into the Scumoween halloween free party. Riot cops attacked the party-goers with dogs and baton charges, and the people fought back with whatever weapons came to hand. According to the police, this included fireworks, gas canisters, and a “suspected petrol bomb”. One thing Londoners will still fight for is the “right to party”.

Scumoween famously kicked off back in 2010 when the Met tried to shut down that year’s rave in Holborn. Clashes at free parties in central London are pretty regular these days, as the state tries to maintain our city centre as a sterile corporate zone, all profit no fun.

Last night, partying and mayhem went on into the early hours in the streets of North Lambeth, until the feds shut down the party around 6 am. Burning barricades were set, property destroyed. The Met claimed that 4 cops were injured. Several people were arrested. Below are just a few pics from the night.




NB: There are many videos going round on the internet. We are not reposting these because many contain uncovered faces of people. MASK UP, FRIENDS!

PS: If anyone is worried about fed attention after last night, remember these basic messages from Green & Black Cross legal team. Say NO COMMENT to police questions. Call a recommended solicitor, don’t use the police station duty solicitor. You can also call Green & Black Cross for further info on 07946 541 511.

Key Advice when Going on a Protest