Greece: Against the extradition & the persecution of the 5 students


Photograph: banner placed at the self-organized centre of the Faculty of Education, University of Athens, reads: ‘stop the extradition of the five fighters-students’ (source: @free5greece)

Athens, November 23rd

Another procedure without precedence is now unfolding against human rights and everyone is obliged not to allow it. On the 12th of November 2015, the Italian authorities issued a European warrant against 5 Greek students who participated in the anti-capitalist demonstration NO EXPO in Milan on May 1st 2015 and are now asking Greece for their extradition.

The requested persons are part of the student movement and participate in neighbourhood assemblies, struggles against austerity taxes and social kitchens as well as centralized class struggles of the last few years.

The Initiative for Prisoners’ Rights is against the generalized criminalization of public life and evidently, the criminalization of social struggles. The escalation of repression must not pass and the European warrant itself must be abolished.

The Greek state must safeguard the sense of justice for all citizens, reject the demand to extradite citizens to another country and prevent the creation of precarious conditions in the justice system against citizens (because of the different legal framework, language and other factors).

NO to the extradition and persecution of the protesters


(via tokeli, translated by BlackCat)